Main > Diseases> Lambliasis


Short characteristic of a disease

The lambliasis is an eurysynusic disease which develops owing to damage of a small intestine and a liver. Activators of a lambliasis are lyambliya – parasites who get in various ways into a human body and actively breed in a small or large intestine. The lambliasis has both an easy, and heavy current. In certain cases carriers of lyambliya are not ill, but can infect people around as their body serves as a safe container for activators.

How lyambliya get into a human body?

Причины заболевания лямблиозомAs a rule, the lambliasis at children and adults arises after contacts with the sick person, however, scientists found out that rodents, dogs and cats can also act as carriers of parasites. Besides, lyambliya often are found in the contaminated reservoirs and even to the chlorinated water from under the crane. In order that the lambliasis began to develop, it is enough to person to swallow 10 cysts of parasites and to have the low level of acidity of a gastric juice.

Ways of penetration of lyambliya to an organism:

  • water – it is possible to catch at the use of insufficiently purified water from under the crane or water from open reservoirs;
  • contact and household – activators collect on a surface of objects of use: toys, ware, linen, clothes;
  • food – the most different food stuffs are sources of infection. Especially often the lambliasis is found after the use of the food which did not undergo heat treatment: vegetables, fruit, berries.

Acute lambliasis at adults and children

Most often this form of a disease occurs at children of younger age and persons with the weakened immunity. At an acute current of a lambliasis is followed by a pronounced diarrheal syndrome, damages of a small intestine and fervescence. Timely, adequate treatment of a lambliasis at children leads to an absolute recovery of the patient in 5-7 days after emergence of the first clinical symptoms.

Chronic lambliasis – symptoms and a clinical picture

The started form of a lambliasis is found preferential in adults and children of school age. The recurrent current is characteristic of it. In the acute period patients suffer from:

  • general fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizzinesses;
  • abdominal distentions, meteorism;
  • regular ponos or locks;
  • anemias.

Besides, the lambliasis at adults is shown by increase in a liver, disbiozy intestines and morbidity of a stomach at a palpation in the field of the right hypochondrium. There are symptoms of a lambliasis and from integuments: pallor of skin, irregularity of coloring, dryness, atopic dermatitis, defeats of a border of lips.

Lambliasis at children – features of a course of a disease at children's age

Specialists claim that at the moment time the lambliasis is diagnosed for one of three hundred children. The risk of infection significantly decreases at respect for personal hygiene of the child, however, even regular washing of toys and heat treatment of food will not be able to protect the kid for all 100%. The reason consists in high survival of activators. Besides, treatment of a lambliasis at children can be required after the child goes to kindergarten and school where risk to catch an infection considerably increases.

Let's notice also that there is a certain problem of early diagnosis of a lambliasis. The matter is that the lambliasis which symptoms are similar to many other intestinal infections often is not possible to reveal during the general clinical trials. As the result, treatment is carried out incorrectly, and the child continues to feel severe pains and other unpleasant manifestations of a lambliasis. The analysis a calla as activators are brought out of an organism with a fecal masses gives the most exact data on existence or lack of a lambliasis.

Several rules to which it is necessary to adhere at suspicions on a lambliasis: only the experienced doctor can appoint treatment, the patient needs to be isolated from other children, in the course of treatment it is required to keep to a rigid diet, herbs and other folk remedies are used as an additional tool, and traditional medicamentous drugs do not substitute at all.

Lambliasis – treatment at children and adults

Таблетки для лечения лямблиоза у детей и взрослыхIt is necessary to approach disposal of lyambliya in a complex. It is desirable to begin process of treatment of a lambliasis in the period of an exacerbation of an infection when it is possible to track degree of manifestation of symptoms and efficiency of these or those actions. One of the most important issues at treatment of a lambliasis is observance of a diet. In more detail we will tell about healthy nutrition in the following section.

Several words about the used technologies and drugs. At the moment at treatment of a lambliasis in clinics so-called anti-parasitic devices are widely used. They are very effective against adult individuals, but practically do not mention a larva and small lyambliya therefore treatment of a lambliasis has to be combined with reception of specialized drugs: Trichopolum, Tinidazolum, furasolidone. Also enterosorbents which bring the toxins arising in the course of life activity of activators out of an organism are of great importance. Such enterosorbents as are recommended to children: лактофильтрум, absorbent carbon, smekt, Enterodesum.

In recent years, along with traditional methods, doctors used also some innovative developments of treatment of a lambliasis. The best perspectives showed inhibitors of a tubulin of a benzimidazolny row which are safer, than means from group of metronidazol and have less expressed side effects.

In most cases at timely made diagnosis the lambliasis completely recovers in 7-8 days. The started forms of a lambliasis demand more prolonged treatment with obligatory control over efficiency of each stage.

Diet at a lambliasis

As it was already told above, treatment of a lambliasis at adults and children means obligatory observance of a diet. Patients need to refuse reception of the food stuffs rich with simple carbohydrates as they create fine conditions for reproduction of parasites. Fall under a partial or total ban: milk, sausages, pasta, sweets, bread and other flour products. For preparation of porridges it is possible to use rice and buckwheat, and to replace milk with curdled milk or kefir. Also various fruit drinks will be very useful. Prohibition does not extend to vegetables and fruit.

Let's notice that the diet at a lambliasis is not only correct structure of food stuffs, but also their preparation is correct. All products and dishes are subject to obligatory heat treatment, vegetables and fruit wash warm water.

Lambliasis – national treatment

We bring to your attention several widespread recipes of national treatment of a lambliasis helping to bring lyambliya out of an organism:

  • 100 ml of juice of beet mix up in equal proportions with carrots juice, cognac and honey. Mix carefully mixes up and accepted three times a day to half an hour before meal;
  • prepare krovokhleba broth (6 гр herbs on a glass of water, to boil within 10 minutes), which is accepted to food once a day. A dosage – 100 ml;
  • take green walnuts, cut them on several parts and fill in 1 l of vodka. Tincture reaches standard in the dry, dark place within two weeks. Medicine is used three times a day on one teaspoon.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.