Main > Food stuffs> Lobster


Lobsters or lobsters belong to group of decapoda of crayfish. Once these Crustacea suited only for use as a bait when fishing or for earth fertilizer. Began to carry to delicacies and refined dishes of these animals rather recently.

Лобстер свежий

For accommodation these arthropods choose rocky sandy shallows on continents, having equally chosen both warm, and cold oceanic waters around the world. The size and taste of different types of lobsters considerably differ. And here color, despite initial distinction (from green-blue to gray-green), always when cooking becomes red.

In cookery lobsters are especially appreciated Norwegian (them still call Atlantic). Their size does not exceed 22 cm, but taste is really improbable.

The European lobster reaching the enormous length 90 cm and weight in 10 kg meets in the seas of Europe from Norway to coasts of Africa.

The small lobsters living in the Indian Ocean are famous for saturated and unusual taste. At an opportunity gourmets recommend them to try surely.

It is curious that in our country more widespread name of these Crustacea is the French word "lobster" while in Europe prefer the English name - "lobster".

These sea inhabitants are distinguished by existence of powerful claws and very gentle and tasty meat which contains, generally in lobster legs, a tail or a neck. The meat which is available in claws is also taken in food, however its consistence more rigid. True gourmets, besides, never disregard a green liver of males of lobsters – "tomala" from which gentle soups and sauces turn out. Caviar of lobsters is also considered among experts a delicacy.

Structure, nutrition value and caloric content of lobsters

Meat of lobsters contains an improbable set of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Most of all contains in lobsters sincaline or B4 vitamin – about 80 mg. Besides, nutrition value of this arthropod is defined by existence in composition of PP, K, E, B12, B6, B9, B5, B2, A, B1 vitamins. The mineral substances which are contained in a lobster – selenium, copper, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Along with it the caloric content of lobsters makes only 77 Kcal on 100 g.

Useful properties of lobsters

Specialists claim that balance of the lobsters of vitamins and minerals who are a part allows to apply them as the means preventing formation of malignant tumors and also as the nutrient strengthening immune system. It is proved that lobsters promote improvement of processes of a hemopoiesis, and also stimulate growth and functioning of cells of an organism. In addition, the regular use of meat of a lobster helps to reduce arterial pressure, to strengthen arteries and vessels, to recover functions of a nervous system.

Лобстер запеченный

Lobster: harm, contraindications and storage conditions

Despite the expressed advantage of meat of a lobster, this product in excessive quantities it is capable to do a certain harm to an organism. The matter is that the content of cholesterol in lobsters is rather big – about 95 mg in 100 g. In this connection the use in unlimited quantities can promote development of cardiovascular diseases.

Lobster – the whimsical product demanding special care at storage. Extremely low period of storage of lobsters (no more than 2 days) allows to refer this product to category perishable, so, it is not recommended to stock from not frozen and cleared lobsters. Lack of an armor at this crustacean can lead to bystry drying up of meat and loss of magnificent flavoring and aromatic properties by it. At the choice of a lobster it is worth paying special attention to an armor of a crustacean: if at it there are dark stains, so freshness leaves much to be desired and it is necessary to refuse purchase of such product.

Whether you know that:

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