Main > Drugs> Lotus orekhonosny

Lotus orekhonosny

Application instruction:

Лотос орехоносныйThe lotus orekhonosny is a perennial amphibious plant. The Russian interpretation of this plant sounds as "Komarov's lotus" or "the Caspian lotus". Karl Linney in 1753 gave to a flower the first description. Many east countries consider a lotus a sacred flower. In pictures of most of the English gods the white lotus which symbolizes the power is represented. To the Buddhism in China believed in existence of paradise, it was identified with a reservoir and lotuses, each flower was an embodiment of the died soul.


In the soft soil (very often - it is under water) there is an oblong, branched, fleshy root having a brown peel and couple of direct leaves.

Flowers of an orekhonosny lotus belong to a surface part. They are on a stalk pedicel on which there are no leaves. The flower has diameter of 25-30 cm and has pleasant, weak aroma.

Lotuses happen a lilac, yellow-pink and white-yellow shade. Leaves at a flower large, their diameter reaches 70 cm. Buds are dismissed only at a sunlight, and for the night they are again closed. The plant can have dark seeds or light. The lotus orekhonosny breeds seeds. Most often he can be met on the Philippine Islands, on the island of Sri Lanka, in China, Japan, Indonesia, India, Iran, Australia, New Guinea, Vietnam, Azerbaijan. The lotus is grown up artificially for decoration of reservoirs, and also in the medicinal and food purposes.


In the medicinal purposes, in cosmetology and when cooking widely use both a stalk, and roots, and flowers, and leaves, and seeds of a lotus orekhonosny.

It is considered that the lotus renders the good refreshing, calming, styptic, febrifugal, nutritious, anti-toxic and diuretic action. It is used both in traditional, and in traditional medicine. Found the broadest application in the Arab, Vietnamese, Indian and Tibetan medicine.

Roots and seeds of a plant can be used for treatment of diarrhea, diseases of a liver, kidneys and a spleen, dysentery, colitis, avitaminosis, pneumonia, sleeplessness, tachycardia, bronchial asthma, uterine and gastric bleedings, emission. These raw materials can be used as in prepared, and in the raw. Besides, leaves can become a basis of salads, and in combination with vaseline will help at burns.

Crude seeds contain a large amount of vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is noted that seeds comprise thiamin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, a pyridoxine, a niatsinovy equivalent. Also seeds contain many mineral salts: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, copper, zinc and iron.Цветы лотоса орехоносного успешно используются в косметологии

Roots of a lotus orekhonosny contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, food fibers and a set of vitamins.

To prepare lotus broth, it is necessary to fill in with 1,5 glasses of water a tablespoon of the crushed roots. This mix is cooked minutes 5-7 on weak fire, and then filtered after an hour of insisting. Recommend to apply such broth three times a day on a half-glass to food (minutes for 10).

It is also possible to make effective ointment which will help at burns of a lotus. To make such ointment, it is necessary to fry thoroughly well crushed leaves to blackness, and after that to mix with vaseline. Apply ointment on an affected area of a body still warm the quiet vtiratelny movements.


Drugs with the maintenance of a lotus at chronic locks are contraindicated. Also the individual intolerance of components of a lotus orekhonosny can become the reason of various unpleasant effects.

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