Lunar diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:2 once a month 6 days

2,5 of 5

The diet is based on the assumption that the moon exerts the same impact on organism liquids, as on the seas and oceans. Feature of a diet is its strict binding to the periods of a full moon and a new moon.

Recommended частота:раз in 2-3 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

"The lunar diet" is developed by the doctor Christian Dyuraffur. It considers change of phases of the moon which, according to the author, exert serious impact on an organism.

It is known that in a human body about 70-80% of liquid. In a new moon and a full moon the atmospheric pressure and the movement of waters in the World Ocean (inflows and otliva) change. Doctor Dyuraffur considers that similar processes proceed in an organism – a part of water from intercellular space goes to a full moon in cells, and moves to a new moon back, from cells to fabrics. These processes can be used not only for weight loss, but also for cleaning of an organism.

It is necessary to keep to "A lunar diet" during a full moon and a new moon.

In a full moon it is necessary to use a lot of water, its surplus will be brought out of intercellular space will not begin to collect any more. It prevents a liquid delay in an organism. This stage of a diet in 3 days prior to a full moon begins.

On the eve of a full moon it is recommended to drink teas from herbs with diuretic action (leaves of cowberry, a kidney and leaves of a birch, a juniper).

In a new moon it is necessary to eat vegetables. It promotes active splitting of fats, removal of toxins, improvement of exchange processes in an organism. This stage of a diet should be begun in 3 days prior to a new moon.

2 times a month ("A lunar diet" to the periods of a full moon and new moon) on 6 days are recommended to carry out. If there is no opportunity to keep to a diet of all 6 days, it is possible to practice it 2 days a month – strictly in a full moon and a new moon.

Лунная диета: принципы питания


On "A lunar diet" in a month it is possible to get rid of 4-6 kg. It is optimum rate of loss of weight, it allows to reduce risk of an obvisaniye of skin.

The diet has the clearing effect on an organism. In addition to change of phases of the moon, it is promoted by both restriction of food, and a large number of vegetables, and plentiful drink.

The advantage of a diet is that, except 12 days of a particular treatment, all rest of the time it is possible to eat usual, having excluded only the most caloric and harmful products. It is easier for many people to keep to a diet such cycles, than to spend on it several months continuously.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The theoretical base of "A lunar diet" is unconvincing. Assumptions of influence of the moon on the fluctuations of an interintercellular lymph and communication of these processes with metabolism taken by the author of a diet as a basis did not receive confirmation of specialists.

The diet of 12 days of "A lunar diet" is very limited – it does not include either milk, nor meat products, that is is not balanced a diet. For this reason it is not recommended to observe it longer than 6 days in a row.

"The lunar diet" is contraindicated to the weakened people, teenagers, and also at any chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What products are resolved?

In the period of a full moon:

  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • pineapples;
  • vegetable and fruit juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

In the period of a new moon:

  • vegetables;
  • beef-infusion or chicken broth.

It is necessary to drink during a diet only pure still water, not less than 1,5 l a day, and 2 l are better.

What products are prohibited?

During "A lunar diet" it is forbidden to use all products which did not enter the list of resolved. The amount of salt in a diet should be limited considerably if not to refuse it completely.


The menu of "A lunar diet" for 6 days of a full moon, the fourth day – actually a full moon:

First day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Second day

Boiled mushrooms with spices with addition of a spoon of vegetable oil, pineapples.

Third day

Boiled mushrooms with spices with addition of a spoon of vegetable oil, pineapples.

Fourth day

Vegetable and fruit juice.

Fifth day

Boiled mushrooms with spices with addition of a spoon of vegetable oil, pineapples.

Sixth day

Boiled mushrooms with spices with addition of a spoon of vegetable oil, pineapples.

The menu of a diet for 6 days of a new moon, the fourth day – actually a new moon:

First day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Second day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Third day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Fourth day

Vegetables soup (potatoes, carrots, sweet pepper, haricot, roots), once a day – fast meat, bird or fish broth.

Fifth day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Sixth day

Crude and boiled vegetables.

Useful tips

Council 1: during "A lunar diet" it is not necessary to use store and tinned juice, only freshly squeezed.

Council 2: on the eve of a full moon it is recommended to drink teas from herbs with diuretic action (leaves of cowberry, a kidney and leaves of a birch, a juniper).

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