Main > Diseases> Myxoma


Миксома — доброкачественная опухоль неправильной формыThe myxoma is a tumor of high-quality character which has jellylike contents and irregular shape. Most often heart myxomas occur at patients.

Reasons and symptoms of a myxoma

The myxoma arises at men and women during various age periods, and also often the disease arises at several family members.

The heart myxoma usually grows in its cameras and in ventricles. At 80% of patients the tumor is in the left auricle, and at 20% - in a ventricle.

Pathological changes of a genome, hereditary factors and genetic anomalies are the main reasons for a myxoma. Medical researches established connection between emergence of a tumor and injuries of heart, operations on the mitral valve and dilatation.

Symptoms of a disease are shown according to the size of a tumor and its localization. The myxoma influences blood circulation and changes a hemodynamics.

By outward the myxoma of heart presents itself education in the polyp form with jellylike contents. This tumor is located on an atrial partition and in sizes reaches up to 12-15 cm.

Generally the myxoma of an auricle is located in the left part where receives blood from lungs. The tumor can be located near the mitral valve and interfere with a blood flow from an auricle in a ventricle. Periodically the myxoma opens, closes a valve opening, breaking a blood stream.

The fluid lungs, asthma, feeling of weight and pain syndrome in heart can be symptoms of a disease. At damage of the mitral valve the myxoma of an auricle begins to create cordial noise which is well listened through a stethoscope.

Rheumatic damages of heart can often provoke a disease, and the tumor promotes emergence of blood clots and blocking of blood vessels.

At continuous progressing the myxoma causes fervescence, decrease in body weight, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, morbidity of fingers of hands and legs, anemia, muscle and joints pain, rash on skin, tachycardia and the complicated breath.

Diagnosis of a disease

Удаление мерцательной миксомыThe myxoma can be found, listening to noise in heart through a stethoscope. For definition of a tumor of heart it is necessary to conduct diagnostic testings, in particular a magnetic and resonant tomography and ultrasonography, and also to study samples of fabrics.

The myxoma of an auricle creates mechanical obstacles for a blood-groove and influences a small circle of blood circulation.

Ultrasonography will help to determine the size, the location and type of a tumor.

Treatment of a myxoma

Treatment of a myxoma begins with conservative therapy and preoperative preparation. In most cases surgical intervention is required.

Surgical treatment of a myxoma consists in excision of a tumor and clarification of area of its attachment.

After removal of a myxoma of heart a recurrence of a disease is observed extremely seldom. Medical researches showed that a recurrence at patients to a hereditary form of a myxoma happens in 1-1,5% of cases, and at patients to genetic anomalies and changes of a genome in 10-12% of cases.

Within 3-6 months after operation to the patient appoint regular diagnostic testings for an exception of repeated development of a disease.

During operation delete a tumor and 5% of fabric around it, closing biological defects which were formed by a tumor on heart.

In the course of operation the surgeon carries out plastics of a cordial partition and recovery of a normality of area where the tumor was located. After surgical intervention the patient passes the rehabilitation period within 2-3 months.

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