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Pallas's euphorbia

Молочай ПалласаPallas's euphorbia (or Fischer) – the perennial herbaceous plant belonging to family the Spurge family.


The plant has strongly developed root system, roots twisting, thick, juicy. Stalks reach up to 25 cm in height, often trimmed. Leaves are dense, have green with brownish a shade, and their form depends on a location on a stalk. Flowers of a plant are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The plant in May blossoms. A fruit – a three-hazel grove.

All elevated parts of an euphorbia of Pallas emit lacteal juice.

Plant strictly endemic. It is possible to meet him only in Transbaikalia, China and Mongolia. Grows on steppe slopes, prefers the shchebenisty and stony soil. This plant is included in the Red List of the Chita region.

History of use of an euphorbia of Pallas

There is a version that this plant and is that medieval mandrake. Reviews of Pallas's euphorbia, as about laxative and anthelmintic means are found in the ancient prescription book on the Tibetan medicine from which recipes were used since the time of Genghis Khan.

The Siberian doctors and herbalists in ancient times treated this plant tuberculosis, tumors and men's cannot.

Was considered that the root of an euphorbia of Pallas gives vital strength and prolongs youth.

With the medical purposes the root of an euphorbia of Pallas which is dug out in a plant wilting period is applied.

Chemical composition

The root of a plant contains phytosteroids, alkaloids, bitterness, glycosides, toxins, ascorbic acid, tannins, pitches, saponins.

All parts of a plant contain selenium.

Medicinal properties of an euphorbia of Pallas

Unfortunately, in scientific medicine medicinal properties of an euphorbia of Pallas are not applied today. Nevertheless, active researches on studying of properties and structure of a plant are conducted. It is already scientifically established that drugs on the basis of a plant can recover hormonal exchange in a male body, thanks to presence at a plant of phytoandrogens. Anticoagulating activity of this plant is established that gives the chance to use it in the long term for treatment of patients with disturbances of hemocoagulation. Immunomodulatory property of an euphorbia of Pallas is proved – the plant promotes healing of fabrics.

Availability of selenium in a plant allows to apply it to blood circulation stimulation. Drugs on the basis of a plant kill fungal flora and protozoa. And existence in roots of lactones gives the chance to suppress growth of tumor cells in an organism.

Reviews of an euphorbia to Pallasa demonstrate that it with success is applied in traditional medicine to treatment of malignant tumors of various character, including at a leukosis.

корень молочая ПалласаIn China doctors, thanks to medicinal properties of an euphorbia of Pallas, cure tuberculosis of lymphatic and bone system. In Tibet broth from roots cure a malignant anthrax.

Reviews of Pallas's euphorbia of herbalists demonstrate that it can be applied not only at diseases of a male reproductive system (infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma, prostatitis), but also at mastopathies and a hysteromyoma at women.

One more indication to administration of drugs from this plant are anemias of various genesis, and also change in blood after himio-and radiation therapy in oncological practice. Plant roots also use for treatment of infectious diseases, diseases of a stomach and lungs.

At lymphadenites and limfangita do outside lotions of broth of roots of an euphorbia of Pallas.

Side effects and contraindications to use

At individual intolerance it is not necessary to accept drugs from a plant. Besides, plants it is poisonous therefore at overdose disturbances of a cordial rhythm, a liquid chair with impurity of blood and vomiting are possible.

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