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Soy flour

Soy flour – the product received from the processed seeds of soy (soybeans), cake and meal. Enjoy special popularity of a dish from soy flour in regions of East Asia.Мука соевая - мука из семян сои

Production of soy flour is carried out so: grains of soy are dried and roughly crushed, deleting covers and germs of seeds promoting bystry rancidification of flour. After completion of preparatory operations more high milling of soybeans on valtsovy or zhernovy mills is carried out.

The soy flour which is the least cleared product from all products from soy consumed by the person is a source of the cellulose clearing intestines of the person of toxins. It contains up to 54% of protein thanks to what it is capable to replace with itself proteins of fish, meat, a bird and milk, leading to reduction of price of an end product.

Depending on a grade and a way of production soy flour can have various shades: from purely white, cream, light yellow to bright orange.

Remained after technological process of a cover (peel) are used as a source of nutritious dietary fibers in baking productions, and also as a forage for animals.

Composition of soy flour

Useful properties of a product are caused by chemical composition of soy flour. Such microelements as calcium (212 mg), sodium (5 mg), magnesium (145 mg), phosphorus (198 mg), potassium (1600 mg), and also RR vitamin (2,3 mg), vitamin A (3 mkg), beta carotene (0,02 mg), group B vitamins (thiamin and Riboflavinum), vitamin E (1 mg) enter it. As a part of soy flour there is also an iron (9,2 mg).

Caloric content of a product makes 291 kcal / 100 gram. Nutrition value of soy flour:

  • Proteins - 48,9 g;
  • Fats - 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 21,7 g

After addition of soy flour in structure of a food product the end product can brag of the increased content of mineral substances, proteins, lecithin and vitamins, positively influencing concentration of "harmful" cholesterol in blood.

The B4 vitamin which is a part of soy flour prevents emergence of stones in a gall bladder, recovers a normal lipometabolism, promoting, thus, natural weight reduction.

Use of soy flour

Soy flour is widely applied in the food industry: it reduces the need for additional raw materials (and, therefore, and product cost), loss of mass of a product at heat treatment, keeping its quality at appropriate level.Пирожные из соевой муки

Soy flour is used in production of sausages, flakes for breakfasts, cookies, semi-finished products, grain, pasta, grain, and also as replacement of powdered skim milk and some substances of whole milk.

Harm of soy flour

Despite numerous properties, useful to a human body, the use of soy flour in food has the contraindications. The isoflavones which are a part of soy flour - the substitutes of female sex hormones making positive impact on a female reproductive system have an adverse effect on development of a brain of a fruit at pregnancy, increasing risks of not incubation of the child. Besides, researches of scientists revealed interrelation between the excessive use of products from soy and disturbances of a menstrual cycle at women of reproductive age.

Abuse of products which part soy flour is is capable to become a cause of infringement of cerebral circulation, to provoke emergence of Alzheimer's disease, to accelerate processes of aging of an organism. Harm of soy flour extends also to endocrine system, causing disturbances of immunity, nervous and reproductive systems of the person.

The excess use of products from soy flour is not recommended to children up to 3 years - the product can provoke diseases of a thyroid gland and allergic reactions.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.