Main > Diseases> Disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities

Disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities

Oxygen is necessary for normal functioning of any human body. It comes to bodies and fabrics from blood. Therefore, in order that the organism normally functioned, full blood circulation is necessary.Варикозное расширение вен - одна из причин нарушения кровообращения нижних конечностей

At disturbance of structure or function of arteries or veins of legs there is a disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities.

Causes of infringement of blood circulation of the lower extremities

The main reasons for disturbances of blood circulation can be divided into 2 groups: arterial and venous.


1. Varicosity.

Veins have no muscular wall therefore cannot be reduced. However blood, overcoming the natural force of terrestrial gravitation, to aim up at heart. It occurs thanks to a set of factors. One of them is existence in communicative (connecting) veins of special valves. They do not allow the return blood flow from superficial veins in deep. From deep veins blood climbs above the following reasons:

  • Blood pressure from arteries.
  • Muscle work of legs. Muscles, figuratively speaking play a role of pumps, clenching and being unclenched. At reduction they push out blood from deep veins. At relaxation of muscles the movement is supported only thanks to blood pressure from arteries.
  • Existence of the valve device.

Under unfavorable conditions of a vein can become less elastic, valves atrophy, and there is varicosity, and then as a symptom, disturbance of venous blood circulation of the lower extremities.

Reasons of a varicosity set: bipedalism, genetic predisposition, hormonal disturbances, diseases of a nervous system. An important role is played by a way of life: small mobility, sedentary or standing work, long stay in one pose.

2. Thrombophlebitises.

Thrombophlebitis is called the inflammation of the changed vein wall in the presence in it blood clot. Therefore this disease in some cases is a complication of a varicosis of the lower extremities.

The inflammation at thrombophlebitis is aseptic, i.e. proceeds without participation of microbes.

Most often patients with thrombophlebitis already have rather serious diseases which led to disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities and thrombophlebitis. These are patients with chronic heart failure, serious endocrinological problems, oncology, etc.

Depending on the blood clot size the gleam of a vein can be closed in whole or in part. Partial closing of a gleam of a vein leads to formation of chronic disturbance of venous blood circulation of the lower extremities.

The diseases of arteries leading to disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities:

1. Obliterating atherosclerosis of the main vessels of the lower extremities. Men have this disease generally 40-45 years are more senior. Obliterating atherosclerosis is a disease chronic, is long the blood circulations proceeding and leading to heavy disturbance. Average arteries (subnodal, femoral) and large caliber are surprised more often.

Obliterating atherosclerosis is display of system atherosclerosis. At this disease of change are localized in an internal cover of arteries. In it cholesterol is laid and the fatty plaque forms. At an initial stage this process is reversible. The gleam of a vessel is narrowed, and signs of disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities gradually begin to be shown. In process of growth of a plaque also the clinic of disturbance of blood circulation is aggravated.

From a large atherosclerotic plaque pieces can otkrashivatsya over time and get into nizlezhashchy arteries. As they have smaller diameter, blood clot can get stuck, become the reason of acute insufficiency of blood supply and lead to gangrene.

2. The obliterating endarteritis (thromboangitis) is the chronic general inflammatory disease affecting small arteries of the lower extremities. Until now it was not succeeded to establish an exact cause of illness. There are several main theories of emergence of an obliterating endarteritis:

  • infectious and toxic (the provoker – the infectious agent);
  • pathology of coagulant system of blood;
  • allergic (allergic reaction to tobacco);
  • atherosclerotic.

3. Diabetic angiopatiya. The diabetes mellitus is risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. Defeat can have character macro - or mikroangiopatiya. Over time disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities leads to a necrosis of the most remote sites: finger-tips of legs, further shins, etc. The diabetic angiopatiya by the fact that patients of this group only in rare instances have no the accompanying obliterating atherosclerosis or cardiovascular insufficiency is burdened. In the majority of cases the combined pathology takes place, and, therefore, and disturbance of blood circulation progresses quickly enough.

The risk factors leading to development of disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities

- diabetes mellitus;

- smoking;

- increase in level of cholesterol and disturbance of lipidic balance;

- the increased arterial pressure;

- increase in level of a gomotsistein;

- obesity of 1 and more degrees;

- slow-moving way of life, etc.


The main symptoms depend on extent of disturbance of blood circulation.Боль после физической нагрузки - один из первых симптомов нарушения кровообращения нижних конечностей

In initial stages of the patient the moderate discomfort or pain after rather small exercise stress can disturb. In process of progressing of disturbances in blood circulation of the lower extremities symptoms become more expressed. Pains amplify, there is a characteristic symptom – the alternating lameness. Mean pains or the expressed discomfort in the lower extremities arising when walking and disappearing at a stop by it. On on what distance there can pass a person before developing of the alternating lameness, define extent of disturbance of blood circulation.

In process of progressing there are disturbances of a trophicity of integuments: they become pale, dry, trophic ulcers can develop. At far come process there comes gangrene.

Treatment of disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities

There is no uniform scheme of treatment of disturbance of blood circulation. It is connected with the fact that diagnosis per se: "disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities" is not present. It is a symptom which is a symptom of a disease.

If disturbance of venous blood circulation of the lower extremities is caused by a varicosis, then it is necessary to treat it.

If the reason – obliterating atherosclerosis, then it is always necessary to adjust a diet for normalization of level of the general cholesterol and other lipids.

Except specialized treatment there are always general recommendations, observing which it is possible to slow down progressing of disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities. First of all is a refusal of smoking. Here also maintaining a mobile way of life belongs. The risk of development of cardiovascular pathology sharply increases if in a week of people there pass less than 12 km.

Complex treatment of disturbance of blood circulation of the lower extremities always includes physiotherapy exercises and physical therapy.

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