Main > Diseases> Disbolism


Нарушение обмена веществ - лечение и профилактикаIn a human body there is a constant exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their synthesis and destruction happen with the participation of various enzymes according to strictly certain scenario which is individual for each component.

At failures in metabolism the set of unpleasant diseases therefore treatment of disbolism has to be timely and qualified develops.

Metabolism causes of infringement

There are very many various premises for metabolism disturbance, but not all from them are up to the end studied. Despite it it is possible to allocate a number of factors which negatively influence exchange processes.

The first cause of infringement of a metabolism – improper feeding, eurysynusic in modern society. Rigid diets and fasting days, and an overeating or plentiful food are dangerous as hunger strikes, once a day.

The second reason of failures of metabolism is a stress and long nervous tension, all exchange processes are regulated just at the level of a nervous system.

The following important factor is an age, in particular at women. With time (by the time of the end of the genital period) production of female sex hormones stops, and in general it leads to metabolism disturbance.

In risk group of the person, abusing smoking and alcohol as the harmful substances which are present at cigarettes and binge oppress functions of bodies of incretion.

In addition to the listed causes of infringement of a metabolism there are also others: genetic predisposition, lack of a day regimen, the postponed serious illness, a parasitic factor (microorganisms and worms) and many other things. Nevertheless it does not mean that failure of exchange processes is incurable. If timely to find symptoms of frustration and to address the endocrinologist, it is possible to recover normal work of an organism quickly enough.

Symptoms of disbolism

It is possible to identify metabolism disturbance on the following signs and changes in outward:

  • Destruction of teeth;
  • Bystry increase in weight;
  • Asthma;
  • Disturbance of work of digestive tract (locks or ponosa);
  • Skin discoloration;
  • Puffiness;
  • Problems with nails and hair.

Many women who noticed at themselves some of symptoms of disbolism, and, in particular excess weight aim to clear the organism independently. It is not strongly recommended to be done as it is only possible to aggravate with self-treatment a situation. Consultation of the doctor has to precede any actions in this direction.

Why failures of metabolism demand observation of the specialist? The matter is that similar disturbances affect first of all the processes connected with a lipometabolism. The liver does not cope with large volumes of fats therefore in an organism lipoproteins of low density and cholesterol collect. They settle on walls of vessels and cause development of diseases of cardiovascular system. Therefore, having found signs of disturbance of exchange processes, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

The diseases connected with metabolism disturbance

There are many various diseases of disbolism, but the main of them can be presented in the form of the following groups:

  • Disturbances of exchange of protein. Proteinaceous starvation leads to such diseases as: kwasiorkor (unbalanced shortcoming), nutritional dystrophy (balanced insufficiency), intestines diseases. At excess intake of proteins the liver and kidneys are surprised, there are neurosises and overexcitation, the urolithiasis and gout develops;
  • Disturbances of a lipometabolism. Surplus of this component leads to obesity, and at a lack of fats of food growth is slowed down, there is a loss of weight, skin becomes dry because of a vitamin deficiency of A and E, cholesterol raises, bleeding appears;
  • Disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism. The most widespread endocrine disease of this group – the diabetes mellitus arising because of a lack of insulin at failure of metabolism of carbohydrates;
  • Disturbances of vitamin exchange. Excess of vitamins or a hypervitaminosis, has toxic effect on an organism, and a hypovitaminosis (shortcoming) leads to diseases of the digestive system, constant fatigue, irritability, drowsiness and a loss of appetite;
  • Disturbances of mineral exchange. At deficit of mineral substances a number of pathologies develops: the lack of iodine leads to diseases of a thyroid gland, fluorine – to development of caries, calcium – to muscular and bone weakness, potassium – to arrhythmia, gland – to anemia. Diseases of disbolism, the connected many minerals in an organism are nephrites (a lot of potassium), liver diseases (excess of iron), aggravations of symptoms of kidneys, vessels and heart (at excessive consumption of salt), etc.

Treatment of disbolism

Treatment of disturbances of metabolism is responsible, and at times and very complex challenge. Diseases which are caused genetically demand regular therapy and constant control from physicians. The acquired diseases usually manage to be cured at early stages, but if timely medical intervention is absent, it can lead to serious complications.

Нарушение обмена веществ у детей и взрослыхThe main forces at treatment of disbolism have to be directed to correction of a diet and diet. It is necessary to limit and control further the volume of the carbohydrates and fats of animal origin coming to an organism. Thanks to frequent fractional food it is possible to reduce amount of once eaten food, and as a result of it to achieve reduction of volume of a stomach and a visible loss of appetite.

In the course of treatment of metabolic disturbances it is also necessary to correct a sleep pattern. Leads timely suppression of stressful situations and the correct recovery after various negative impacts on mentality to normalization of a metabolism. It is impossible to forget also about exercise stresses as moderate sports activities raise a metabolic cost of an organism, and it leads to an expense of fatty stocks.

Each of the factors which are listed above plays a major role at treatment of disbolism. But the best results can be achieved at an integrated approach when timely preventive measures for prevention of a disease are combined with the qualified treatment in case of the developed disease.

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