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НеуробексНеуробекс – a polyvitaminic complex.

Pharmacological action

The composition of drug of Neurobeks included vitamins from group B, ascorbic acid, RR vitamin thanks to which drug delivers to an organism the important coenzymes participating in exchange of fats, carbohydrates, proteins.

Vitamins of group B normalize a metabolism in nervous tissues, improve food of neurons in subcrustal structures and transfer of nervous impulses

RR vitamin activates process of exchange of carbohydrates, coagulability of blood, improves permeability of vessels and expands them, reduces amount of cholesterol, helps at diseases of a GIT, liver, heart. This vitamin thanks to the regenerating properties is useful at not healing defeats of integuments.

Ascorbic acid participates in development of kollagen, steroids, accelerates healing of fabrics, stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, increases coagulability of blood.

Release form

Release a polyvitaminic complex of Neurobeks in several types: Неуробекс, containing 15 mg of B1 vitamin, 10 mg of B6 vitamin and 0,02mg B12 vitamin; Неуробекс forte with the strengthened structure: it contains 100 mg of B1 vitamin, 200 mg of B6 vitamin and 300 mg of B12 vitamin; Неуробекс Neo which contains 50 mg of B1 vitamin, 200 mg of B6 vitamin, 300 mg of B12 vitamin, 25 mg of B2 vitamin, and also folic and ascorbic acids, calcium pantothenate.

Produce vitamins B a type of a dragee.

Indications to Neurobeks's use

The complex is applied at a polyneuritis, neuralgia, a sciatica, a myasthenia, paresthesia, diathesis, psoriasis, a pyoderma, shingles, an acne, an arthralgia, dystonia neurocirculatory, a mialgiya, eczema, neurogenic dermatitis, disturbances of a nervous system of traumatic character, encephalopathy, an adynamy, a hypovitaminosis, a leukopenia, anemia.

Good reviews of Neurobeks participating in complex therapy of alcoholism, nicotine addiction.

Also according to the instruction of Neurobeks appoint at treatment of glaucoma, neuritis of an optic and acoustical nerve, degenerative changes of a retina of an eye, damage of the nerves which arose because of poisonings, a peptic ulcer, hepatitis, a gastroduodenit, cirrhosis, a coloenteritis, cholecystitis.

The positive effect after use of a complex at myocardites is noticed, cardiovascular insufficiency, a myocardial dystrophy, intoxication of various origin.


Неуробекс according to the instruction it is contraindicated at an acute thromboembolism, a hyperglobulia, an allergy, an erythremia, hypersensitivity.

Pregnant women and the feeding women are not recommended to accept vitamins of Neurobeks without appointment of the doctor. There are no data on safety of use of Neurobeks by Neo pregnant women.

Judging by responses, Neurobeks because of the B6 vitamin which is its part can reduce effect of the accepted drug Levodopa, phenobarbital, Phenytoinum.

Tiosemikarbazon, Serin, Gidralazin are incompatible with B6 vitamin the Isoniazid.

According to the instruction of Neurobeks it is undesirable to combine with the drugs containing aluminum

Hormonal contraceptives, alcohol, diuretics can reduce efficiency of Neurobeks.

The pantothenate which is a part of Neurobeks of Neo calcium can strengthen effect of cardiac glycosides, reduce toxicity of the antibiotics applied in therapy of tuberculosis.

Application instruction of Neurobeks

Accept a dragee after food, inside, better after meal.

In the preventive purposes of Neurobeks according to the instruction accept 1-2 dragees. rub р / days for one month.

During therapy of diseases of a nervous system adults and children after 14 l of Neurobeks accept on two dragees three р / days, to children 8-14l give on one dragee two or three р / days, to children 3-8l. – on one dragee one or two р / days. Often Neurobeks appoint to accept to the feeding and pregnant women – on one tablet one or two р / days.

For treatment of an adynamy by the adult and to children after 14 l. give on one tablet three р / days, to children 8-14l. – on one dragee two р / days, to children 3-8l. – on one tablet one р / days.

Неуробекс forte children can accept only after 14 l and the adult. For prevention drink vitamins on one dragee daily for a month. For treatment of diseases of neurologic character – for 1-2 tablets/days. Неуробекс НеоPregnant women and the feeding women can accept on one dragee a day.

Complex of Neurobeks Neo it is possible to accept one р / days on one tablet for two or four weeks. For treatment of neurologic diseases accept for 1-2 tablets/days.

Side effects

There are reviews of Neurobeks making sick and allergic reactions - rash, erubescences.

Неуробекс, Neurobeks Neo, Neurobeks Forte in the raised doses can provoke poisoning which is followed by diarrhea, stethalgias, the increased heartbeat, excitement, strengthening of side effects. For elimination of symptoms of overdose appoint the Isoniazid, carry out standard symptomatic therapy

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In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.