In any beauty shop for reduction of volumes will surely offer you wrappings for weight loss. But also in house conditions it is possible to make effective wrappings for weight loss. Let's consider secrets of effective recipes of wrappings for weight loss.
Wrappings there is a huge number: algal, mustard, clay, honey, chocolate and so on. All of them share on hot and cold. Both hot, and cold stimulate weight loss: cold – at the expense of sharp vasoconstriction, hot – at the expense of vasodilatation.
When using wrappings of the house conform to the following rules:
For house wrappings for weight loss it is possible to use food wrap or to lay down in a heat bath (from 37 to 38 degrees). Before a wrapping take a shower and a proskrabiruyta skin. Then be dry wiped and apply the prepared wrapping on problem zones. It is not necessary to put too thickly – it will not affect result. If you use a film – after wrapping put on warm clothes, lay down, take cover a blanket and relax. After the pro-procession of a certain time wash away mix under a shower and apply on skin a milk, cream or other mix for weight loss, and later you can carry out light anti-cellulite or lymphatic drainage massage.
The most widespread of all recipes of wrappings for weight loss are algal wrappings. They help to struggle with cellulitis and reduce body capacities. For these wrappings sheets of a laminaria which are soaked in water are used. If you wish to carry out a cold pack, water has to be temperature of 25-26 degrees in which it is necessary to soak sheets for 40-50 minutes. If you want to make the wrapping is hotter, it is necessary to presoak sheets of a laminaria for from 10 to 15 minutes in water, with the temperature of 37-38 degrees. After a soaking sheets of a laminaria should be imposed on desirable sites of skin. It is necessary to lie with an algal wrapping for 30-40 minutes. A contraindication to holding this procedure are diseases of a thyroid gland.
It is ideal to use algal wrappings as wrappings for weight loss of a stomach.
Honey wrapping for weight loss
The honey wrapping for weight loss also effectively nourishes and moistens skin. After it skin will melt gentle to the touch and young. It stimulates a metabolism in fabrics, activating thereby combustion of fats and removal of excess liquid that eliminates hypostases and increases immunity.
Honey absorbs slags and toxins and brings them out of an organism, thereby clearing it and interfering with accumulation of fats.
When carrying out a honey wrapping it is not necessary to use a blanket as at high temperature honey loses the useful properties, and at a low temperature crystallizes. Before carrying out a wrapping skin should be proskrabirovat and promassazhirovat. Then honey is applied on a body and is wrapped by means of a film for 20-30 minutes.
After the pro-procession of time take a shower and have a rest under a plaid within 15-30 minutes.
Wrappings for weight loss with clay
Clay wrappings reduce body capacities due to strengthening of a metabolism in cells, saturation of skin oxygen, recovery of salt balance and moistening.
Clay fights against local adiposities therefore it is an ideal component of a wrapping for weight loss of a stomach. Also it brings slags and toxic substances, excess liquid out of an organism, saves from fibrous cellulitis.
It is necessary to dissolve clay in warm water, to apply it on skin and to turn back a film. It is necessary to lie 20-30 minutes and to wash away clay in soul. To strengthen drainage effect of a clay wrapping, it is possible to add to mix an alga and essential oils.
Try to lead the course of house wrappings for weight loss consisting of 10-15 procedures on two or three times a week and be convinced, wrappings for weight loss are how effective.
According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.
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