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Olives are one of the best-known Mediterranean delicacies, and also one of the most useful products for health of the person.

Оливки свежие


Olives or as they are called still, olives – fruits of trees of family Olive. The olive tree is one of the most ancient plants cultivated by the person. And, it is authentically known that in ancient times of an olive were cultivated in quite big territories – since the Canary Islands, across all Mediterranean, in regions of Asia Minor, and also in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

In modern time you will not meet a wild olive tree any more, but its cultural form is grown up across all Mediterranean, in northwest Africa, the Southern and Northern America, Asia Minor, Australia, East Asia and India. There are about 60 species of olive trees. They long mature, but then for many years bear fruits

Today the largest producers of olives are Spain, Italy, Turkey, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Greece, Croatia, Libya, Algeria, the USA, Argentina, Peru and other countries.

The key product received from olives is olive oil. On its production about 90% of all harvest of olives leave. Represents this oil first of all the high-quality foodstuff which is widely applied in cookery of various countries. In addition to cookery, olive oil is applied in perfumery, chemical industry and soap manufacture.

In the raw olives do not use as they have very tart taste, but preserve them in all possible ways: in salt, oil or vinegar, with stones or without them. Often instead of a stone put various stuffings in olive – small sardinka, pepper pieces, capers. Tinned olives use as cold appetizer, add to various salads, and also widely apply at preparation of pizza, stewed vegetables and bird or meat dishes.

Structure and caloric content of olives

In 100 g of tinned olives 75,3 g of water, 15,3 g of fats contain. 3,3 g of cellulose, 4,3 g of ashes, 1 g of proteins and 0,8 g of carbohydrates; vitamins: And, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9, B4, E, K; macrocells: phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium; microelements: zinc, selenium, iron, copper.

Caloric content of olives makes 145 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of olives

Olives and olive oil throughout several millennia use not only in food, but also as quite effective medicine. Many specialists agree in opinion that olives contain the majority of useful substances, necessary for the person, including a rich set of vitamins, macro - and microelements, antioxidants.

For example, the advantage of olives is made by the polyunsaturated fatty acids which are their part which support the level of cholesterol in an organism and interfere with development of a heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke and other diseases of cardiovascular system. The regular use of olives in food well affects activity of a digestive tract.

In traditional medicine useful properties of olives are applied in the preventive purposes from osteochondrosis and oncological diseases, thanks to content of antioxidants in them. At gastritis with a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice experts recommend in twenty minutes prior to meal to eat 10 olives as it promotes the best digestion of food.

Оливки маринованные

Also the advantage of olives consists in strengthening of cellular membranes that helps to accelerate healing of wounds. If daily to use several fruits of olives together with stones, then the person will never be tormented by locks.

Olive oil is the making component of various medicines which accept at diseases of the alimentary system and cholelithiasis. In traditional medicine olive oil is used at cuts and burns, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, vision disorders and women's sexual function. It is considered that its use promotes conception.

Infusion from leaves of an olive tree is used in traditional medicine as diuretic, and also at short wind and a hypertension.


Most of nutritionists agree in opinion that olives and products from them have no contraindications. Nevertheless, despite numerous advantage of olives, they possess cholagogue influence therefore people with cholecystitis are not recommended to use them.

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