Main > Medical specialties> Otorhinolaryngologist


The otorhinolaryngologist is engaged in identification and treatment of diseases of a nose, ear, trachea, throat and throat.

Оториноларинголог - врач, занимающийся диагносткой и лечением заболеваний носа, уха, трахеи, гортани и глотки

The otorhinolaryngologist performs conservative treatment and operations on a nasal cavity, a throat and a throat, ears – washes out gaymorovy bosoms, deletes polyps, corrects nasal partitions, opens abscesses, eliminates hematomas, deletes adenoides and almonds, opens tympanic membranes.

Also adult and children's otorhinolaryngologists can perform a middle ear operations for hearing improvement.

With what symptoms address the otorhinolaryngologist

For a start we will provide the list of diseases with which the otorhinolaryngologist works:

  • Otitis, including serous, and other acute, chronic diseases (including inborn) ear departments;
  • Throat diseases;
  • Antritis, chronic and acute rhinitis, including allergic;
  • Inflammatory processes in a nasopharynx.

Otitis is characterized by ear pains and its congestion, puffiness. Pain can give to eyes, teeth, a neck, a throat.

At diseases of a throat reddening mucous or a plaque on them, irritation, pains at a proglatyvaniye of saliva, food or water are observed.

The otorhinolaryngologist can diagnose antritis on such symptoms: head and a dentagra, unpleasant feeling of tension in the inflamed Highmore's bosoms, difficulty of breath and plentiful allocations from a nose.

Rhinitis can be suspected on a congestion of the nasal courses, allocations, reddening of eyes, strong sneezing.

Inflammation an adenoide – a widespread disease which often forces parents to address the children's otorhinolaryngologist: the inflammation most often appears at children of 5-15 years.

Main symptoms of an inflammation adenoide: the child breathes through a mouth, it has a snore, sneezing, allocations from a nose. Besides at the child change of a voice, deterioration in hearing can be observed.

Adenoide to the otorhinolaryngologist also adults handle an inflammation. The symptomatology of an inflammation is similar with described above.

The inflammation of almonds is called still tonsillitis. It is necessary to address the otorhinolaryngologist surely if the voice is lost, heat and fever, a headache, pain when swallowing appear. The inflammation of almonds is followed also by increase in lymph nodes on a neck and a jaw, increase and reddening of almonds.

Diseases of ENT organs are one of indicators of reduced immunity that it is especially important to understand if it is about small children. The address to the otorhinolaryngologist will give the chance not only in time to cure the found disease, but also to support the weakened organism, to reveal more serious problems.

How the otorhinolaryngologist carries out diagnosis?

Except survey of ENT organs, collecting the anamnesis and the analysis of complaints of the patient, the otorhinolaryngologist for diagnosis uses data of such analyses:

  • Crops of a smear from a pharynx on streptococci, staphylococcus;
  • Crops of a smear from a nose on structure of microflora, existence of stafilokokk;
  • Crops of a smear from a nasopharynx on meningokokk;
  • Research of the biological material taken from almonds, Highmore's bosoms;
  • Research of allocations from ears.

Besides, for specification of the diagnosis the otorhinolaryngologist can appoint to the patient a computer tomography, ultrasound examination of ENT organs, magnetic and resonant inspection, endoscopy, a rinoskopiya, a laringoskopiya, an otoskopiya, an elektronistagmografiya.

For hearing assessment otorhinolaryngologists use such research as an audiometriya, carry out the test of acoustical department of a brain.

The otorhinolaryngologist can recommend to the patient to undergo inspection at doctors of other specialties – for obtaining additional data.

Who can work as the otorhinolaryngologist

Otorhinolaryngologists are the graduates of the highest medical educational institutions who passed the internship and necessary practice which are constantly improving the skills.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.