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Paraovarian cyst

Paraovarian cyst is called the hollow new growth which is formed of ovary appendage fabric. It is located between a uterine tube and an ovary and is covered with sheets of a wide ligament of uterus.

The paraovarianПараовариальной кистой называется полое новообразование, образующееся из ткани придатка яичника cyst is most often diagnosed for women aged from 20 up to 40 years. It is connected with the fact that the appendage of an ovary reaches the greatest development at this age. Among all tumors of an ovary 15 – 20% fall to the share of paraovarian cysts.

Paraovarian cyst: reasons

The paraovarian cyst is formed as a result of disturbances of process of an embryogenesis (embryonic development). This disease is not descended and has no genetic predisposition. Other reasons of a paraovarian cyst do not exist!

Considering that this cyst is not a tumor, and opukholepodobny (tumorous) education, it never regenerates in a malignant tumor, i.e. does not malignizirutsya. True cysts grow due to bystry division and growth of cells of their walls. The paraovarian cyst grows due to extension of her cavity at a secret of the cells forming its walls.

As inflammatory process is not the reason of a paraovarian cyst, and its treatment does not lead to its rassasyvaniye. And here the local hyperthermia (visit of baths, hot bathtubs) and solar insolation can promote the accelerated growth of a paraovarian cyst.

Paraovarian cyst: symptoms

At the paraovarian cysts, small by the size, which are not exceeding 2,5 – 3,0 cm in the diameter, patients usually do not show any complaints and most often find them accidentally when performing ultrasonic examination of bodies of a small pelvis.

However paraovarian cysts can grow also to the huge sizes (over 30 cm in the diameter). In this case they begin to squeeze the next fabrics and bodies that leads to emergence of pain in a waist and in the bottom of a stomach, having the periodic aching character. These pains are not connected with a menstrual cycle. They amplify at physical and sexual activity, and at rest are independently stopped (pass).

At very big paraovarian cysts the asymmetric increase in a stomach especially strongly noticeable at thin women is observed. Seldom or never this disease leads to emergence of various disturbances of a menstrual cycle and infertility.

Paraovarian cyst: treatment

Small by the sizes and the paraovarian cysts which are not bringing discomfort do not treat. The woman has to be on the dispensary account and visit the gynecologist once in half a year.

Conservative treatment of paraovarian cysts is not carried out since it is completely senseless. Therefore at the cysts of average and large volume causing pains, disturbances of a menstrual cycle and/or infertility carrying out surgical intervention – removal of a paraovarian cyst is shown.

DuringПараовариальная киста яичника operation the surgeon deletes not only a cyst, but also all rudimentary (rudimentary) educations from which it also arose. Therefore after surgical removal of a paraovarian cyst a recurrence of a disease does not arise.

Removal of a paraovarian cyst is shown as well to the women planning the EKO procedure (extracorporal fertilization).

Laparoscopy at a paraovarian cyst

The most optimum surgical method of treatment of a paraovarian cyst is the laparoscopy.

At a laparoscopy the paraovarian cyst is enucleated together with its capsule. At this technique of operation the risk of traumatic injury of a uterine tube or ovary is minimized that is especially important for those women who plans further pregnancy. Blood loss at this operation is minimum and makes only several milliliters. In the evening the woman can already go, and next day she is usually written out from a hospital. The complete recovery of working capacity occurs within a month.

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There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.