Main > Food stuffs> Bush pumpkin

Bush pumpkin

Bush pumpkin – a kind of tverdokory ordinary pumpkin. The bush pumpkin is grown up for the decorative and food purposes. South and Central America is considered its homeland. France calls a bush pumpkin the Jerusalem artichoke.

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In our country he is not especially popular as he demands considerable efforts at cultivation. These vegetables more vlagolyubiva are also more exacting to cultivation conditions, than vegetable marrows.

The bush pumpkin continuously, to the frosts blossoms and forms an ovary. Fruits form in 4-7 days after blossoming. Fruits of a bush pumpkin are much more tasty than a vegetable marrow or pumpkin. Their weight varies from 100 to 800 grams (depending on age of vegetable). Most often grow up vegetables of white color, however, in the nature green, orange, yellow and even violet bush pumpkins sometimes meet. And tasty the immature bush pumpkins collected at the age of five-six days are considered the most useful. At this particular time their pulp gentle and elastic. The overripe fruits lose the pleasant taste, and their pulp becomes rough and ligneous. Such bush pumpkins use as a forage for a livestock.

Nutrition value and caloric content of bush pumpkins

Hundred grams of bush pumpkins contain 92 g of water, 0,6 g of proteins, 0,1 mg of fats, 5,5 g of carbohydrates (including 4,1 g mono - and disaccharides), 1,3 g of food fibers, 1,0 g of pectins, 0,1 g of organic acids and 0,7 g of ashes.

In 100 g of fruits 0,03 mg of B1 vitamin, 0,04 mg of B2 vitamin, 0,3 mg of Niacinum, 23 mg of vitamin C, 120 mg of potassium, 13 mg of calcium, 25 mg of magnesium, 13 mg of sodium, 12 mg of phosphorus and 0,4 mg of iron contain.

Bush pumpkins are low-calorie and contain a large amount of cellulose. Caloric content of bush pumpkins – 19 kcal in 100 g of fruits. The Sahara are a part of fruits in the form of fructose and glucose that increases their comprehensibility.

Advantage of bush pumpkins

Bush pumpkins – a valuable product in clinical and dietary nutrition. As these vegetables for 90% consist of water and alkaline connections, best of all they are acquired at consumption with meat or other proteinaceous products. Alkaline connections improve bile secretion, recover a glycogen and support a hemopoiesis. Cellulose brings excess fats and all toxins out of an organism. Pectinaceous substances as jelly, envelop cholesterol and bring its excesses out of an organism.

For this reason bush pumpkins can bring considerable benefit at diseases of a liver, kidneys, atherosclerosis, dysbacteriosis, a hypertension, a peptic ulcer and an anemia. Besides, the advantage of bush pumpkins consists in very active diuretic action. Besides, bush pumpkins have soft aperient effect. The regular use of fruits promotes removal of table salt and liquid from an organism. Besides, these vegetables reduce risk of development of cancer diseases.

Fruits of orange color contain the greatest number of Luteinum. Luteinum as a part of blood neutralizes free radicals, prevents formation of blood clots. Besides, Luteinum strengthens immunity and well influences sight.

Seeds of these vegetables are very useful. Edible oil of seeds – a highly nourishing proteinaceous and quality vitamin product. In 100 ml of oil 600 kcal contain. In addition to oil, seeds contain pitches, glycosides and fatty unsaturated acids. Seeds of bush pumpkins take the second place on the content of lecithin (after eggs). It is useful to use them at diseases of urinogenital system, and also for recovery of functions of endocrine and nervous systems.

Before the use seeds should be cleared of a peel and to crush in powder in the coffee grinder. At hypostases it is useful to eat two tablespoons of the cleared bush pumpkin seeds (in 30 minutes prior to food three times a day).

Juice of bush pumpkins has unusual taste. It improves work of digestive organs and calms a nervous system.

Use of bush pumpkins

This vegetable perfectly is suitable for cooking, frying, suppression, souring. Some culinary specialists cook sweet, fragrant and tasty jam from bush pumpkins. Original snack turn out from marinated and salty bush pumpkins. It is necessary to cook these vegetables no more than 15-20 minutes.

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Very young bush pumpkins are prepared entirely. At fruits cut out pulp. These vegetables can be filled with greens, cheese, mincemeat, corn and to prepare on a grill or in an oven. Vegetables are perfectly combined with fragrant and hot spices.

Taste of stewed bush pumpkins in a frying pan reminds taste of an asparagus, and at marinated vegetables taste of cepes. Vegetables in a fresh-salted look can replace cucumbers.

It is not recommended to use bush pumpkins at intestinal frustration as they stimulate an intestines peristaltics.

These vegetables, as well as cabbage and vegetable marrows, perfectly remain at a temperature from 0 to +1 °C.

At the same time they are stored much longer, than other vegetables. For storage bush pumpkins pack into plastic bags and place in cellars.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.