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Tailbone change

The change of a tailbone is a widespread and severe injury of a lower part of a backbone which is followed Перелом копчика является распространенной и тяжелой травмой by severe pain, hypostasis and an inflammation.

Reasons and symptoms of a change of a tailbone

The tailbone is in the lower part of a backbone of the person and represents the tail department which ceased to form in the course of evolution. The most frequent damage of this department is the change.

The injury got as a result of falling, direct stroke to the area of buttocks or at childbirth is the main reason for a change of a tailbone. The tailbone change usually is an injury of adults, and children often have dislocations.

Symptoms of a change of a tailbone are the pain syndrome, hypostasis in the place of a change, an inflammation and difficulties in the movement.

It is possible to carry to the most common causes of a change of a tailbone:

  • falling on buttocks;
  • blows at the road accident;
  • sports injuries;
  • long driving the bicycle, snow-scooter and sledge;
  • lack of calcium and fragility of bones;
  • birth trauma;
  • injury at sexual intercourse;
  • disturbances of functioning of the muscular device.

In traumatology the change of a tailbone is classified by the following types: with shift and without it, the jointed change, with change of provision of coccygeal vertebrae.

After an injury tailbone change symptoms, including pain in a tailbone when walking and sitting are shown, hematomas. The exact diagnosis can be established by means of the roentgenogram.

In certain cases the change of a tailbone can occur in the presence of heavy degenerative processes in the bones tied with deficit of calcium at advanced age.

Tailbone change effects

Splinters which existence can be revealed by means of rectal and vulval inspection, X-ray and a magnetic and resonant tomography can be serious consequences of a change of a tailbone.

After definition of the exact diagnosis it is necessary to begin treatment in the emergency order, otherwise there can be following effects of a change of a tailbone:

  • wrong accretion of parts and fragments of a tailbone;
  • disturbances of functioning of urinogenital system;
  • defecation process disturbances;
  • squeezings and disturbances of bodies of a small pelvis;
  • emergence of outgrowths and cysts on a tailbone;
  • heavy hematomas and suppurations;
  • difficulties in the movement and when sitting;
  • formation of callosities and fistulas;
  • adjournment of salts and gout.

Treatment of a change of a tailbone

The method of treatment of a change of a tailbone depends on type and weight of an injury, and also on existence of complications and pathologies.

The main Тяжелыми последствиями перелома копчика могут быть осколкиmethod of treatment of a change of a tailbone is conservative therapy which is directed to elimination of the main symptoms (a pain syndrome, hypostasis, an inflammation). This therapy includes reception of anesthetics and antiinflammatory drugs which are appointed by the attending physician. If necessary appoint antiinflammatory and antiedematous ointments, compresses and tinctures.

Indispensable conditions of effective treatment of a change of a tailbone are a bed rest for the patient and an exception of any loads of a backbone. Under a tailbone to the patient put a rubber mattress or a circle, and for avoidance of decubituses of the patient turn several times a day. In the first days of treatment defecation is carried out only by means of an enema.

Operational treatment of a change of a tailbone is appointed at the following complications: serious shift, the wrong accretion, squeezing by parts of a tailbone of nerve terminations and vessels, a strong pain syndrome which does not stop a long time.

After a basic course of therapy the doctor appoints rehabilitation procedures, including physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, electroprocedures and a girudoterapiya.

After the postponed tailbone change within several years the patient needs to observe the sparing work-rest schedule, to avoid strong loads of a lower part of a backbone, to exclude occupations riding and a raising of heavy objects. To athletes after a change of a tailbone appoint the special mode of trainings with gradual increase in loadings, but in certain cases heavy sports cancel professional works for several years.

In the presence of pathological and degenerative processes of a musculoskeletal system appoint special food, gymnastics and vitamin therapy for strengthening of bone structures and the muscular device.

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