Fractures of bones – various damages of their integrity as a result of traumatic influence. During getting injured force of influence exceeds resistance of a bone tissue and the bone breaks. On origins all fractures of bones are divided into two main groups: the resulted strong mechanical impact on a healthy bone and changes of pathological character.
Traumatic fractures of bones result from the road accidents, falling, strong blows and other mechanical impacts on bones.
At pathological fractures of bones physical force of influence can be absolutely insignificant, the real reason is covered available any pathological process proceeding in a bone tissue.
The disease osteoporosis (osteoporosis) thanks to which a bone tissue to become extremely brittle is the frequent reason of a pathological fracture of bones and breaks practically without action on it third-party force, for example, during awkward movements, a sharp rising etc.
Classification of fractures of bones by types is extremely various. This circumstance is caused by the fact that each case of a change combines a large number of the factors accompanying its emergence – the change reasons, localization of an injury, the nature of traumatizing soft tissues etc. At fractures of bones with shift each separate case is carried to this or that look as the shift of bone fragments, to character of a break and other parameters.
Nevertheless, at all variety of types of fractures of bones there is an urgent need of exact establishment of the site of a bone tissue which is the center of a change.
The most widespread classification of fractures of bones:
- simple;
- difficult (differently called, wedge-shaped fractures of bones at which multiple splintered fragments of a bone are formed);
- extraarticular changes;
- intra joint changes.
Also there is the following classification of changes:
- the closed fractures of bones at which damage of outside integuments is not observed;
- open fractures of bones at which there is a disturbance of integrity of skin in the field of traumatizing and there is a danger of infection.
Traumatologists refer existence of outside bruise and a swelling in the field of traumatizing to obligatory symptoms of a fracture of bones. As a rule, if it is about an extremity, its functional mobility is significantly limited. In attempt of the movement the pain syndrome is sharply expressed. In rare instances (for example, at the driven hip neck fracture) some victims can continue independent movement, but this fact leads to further traumatizing and shift of fragments of a bone. At the driven, subperiostal, circumarticular, intra joint fractures and cracks of bones, some of the above described symptoms can be absent or be not too pronounced completely.
Before taking measures to gypsum imposing (or other options of fixing of bone fragments) in medical institution radiological inspection of the victim at a fracture of bones is surely carried out. X-ray films are always carried out in several projections for a detailed research of the place of a bone change from several various foreshortenings.
X-ray inspection – the most exact tool allowing traumatologists to create a full picture of a bone change – its type, localization, the direction and character of shift of fragments.
Then control x-ray films do to the patient after conservative or surgical fixing of the broken bone. Further radiological inspection is appointed approximately in 14 days (in each case – differently) for observation of the course of an union of the broken bone and formation of a bone callosity in the place of a change.
Actions for treatment of a fracture of bones have to begin directly on site incidents. Measures for elimination of painful shock, especially have to be the most acute management the first minutes after traumatizing if it is about fractures of bones at children.
Further it is necessary to take actions for a bleeding stop (if that takes place to be). At once after the above-stated actions of first aid it is necessary to provide an immobilization (creation of conditions for a full immovability) of the place of a fracture of bone by means of special means or improvised materials.
In case of an open fracture of bones from above it is necessary to apply a sterile gauze napkin and a compressing bandage for the prevention of a possibility of further bleeding and infection of a wound a wound surface. It is impossible to try to set independently the fragments of bones which are sticking out of an open wound at all, thereby it is only possible to cause severe pain to the victim, but also to do essential harm to state of his health.
First aid at the closed fracture of bones consists first of all in immobilization of the damaged body part for the prevention of a possibility of shift of fragments and developing of internal bleeding.
The timely and competent first pre-medical aid given to the victim considerably reduces afterwards the rehabilitation period at fractures of bones and guarantees full recovery of motive functions of the damaged body part.
In the conditions of a hospital the following is among the main medical methods of treatment of fractures of bones:
- imposing of a plaster bandage;
- skeletal traction;
- endoprosthesis replacement;
- outside hardware compression дистракционный osteosynthesis;
- internal osteosynthesis etc.
In order that the victim did not lose further working capacity and could return, as soon as possible, to a usual way of life it is necessary to pay special attention to the rehabilitation period after a fracture of bones. Rehabilitation actions after a fracture of bones (and especially after a long immobilization) have to be by all means included in the list occupations by remedial gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures.
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