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from 64 rub.

Пижма - травянистое растение семейства АстровыхPizhma – the plant from Astrov' family growing in Central, Near Asia, Europe in the Far East, in Siberia, Japan, China, the USA. In a wild look the tansy can be met in steppes, on meadows, at roads, on river coast, but recently it began to be cultivated as a medicinal and spicy plant.

In the medical purposes use flower baskets of a plant, sometimes tansy leaves. Collect flowers at the beginning of their emergence (the end of June, July), dry on air, closing from the sun or at 40 degrees in the dryer.

Useful properties of a tansy

Flowers of a plant contain proteins, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, bitterness, organic acids, tannins, carotene, Rutinum, vitamin C, minerals, flavonoids, essential oils.

Toxic and poisonous properties of a tansy are known, but in therapeutic doses decoctions from flowers of a plant render cholagogue, sudorific, antiinflammatory, spasmolytic, tonic, antineoplastic action, tone up GIT muscles, strengthen development of a gastric juice, increase amplitude of reductions of heart, slow down its rhythm, increase pressure.

It is known that the tansy from worms helps: ascarids and pinworms, heals GIT ulcers. Drugs on its basis can be accepted at liver diseases, a lock, meteorism, gripes gastric, gastritis with low acidity, a coloenteritis, nervous breakdowns, epilepsy, migraine, an inflammation of kidneys, a bladder.

Treatment a tansy is appointed at gout, rheumatism, a pulmonary tuberculosis, cold and fever, malaria, a furunculosis,

Essential oil of a tansy renders local irritant action, excites nervous central system.

Use of a tansy: recipes

Juice from a plant helps at fever, ulcers of a GIT, low acidity of juice of a stomach, rheumatism, nervous diseases, migraine, gout, an ache with joints, acute respiratory, including infectious character diseases, inflammations of kidneys, a large, small intestine, bladder, at an urolithiasis. Also juice is applied at plentiful menstrual bleedings, disturbances of a menstrual cycle, sleeplessness.

From worms the tansy is accepted in the powder prepared from dry flowers, mixed with syrup or honey. Help to clear intestines of pinworms and ascarids also of a microclyster with plant broth. For preparation of medical broth from a tansy from worms take on one tablespoon of the crushed dry flowers of a tansy, a camomile, a wormwood, fill in 250 ml of the boiling water, bring once again to boiling then cool up to 60 degrees, add one pounded garlic teeth, insist three hours, filter. For microclysters use 40-60g broth – a one-time dosage. After administration rektalno of broth of a tansy it is impossible to rise 30-40min, and to make cleaning procedures one night better. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.

For preparation of broth for internal use take two spoons of table dry flowers, fill in 500 ml of boiled water, cook on slow fire of 10 minutes, 30-60 minutes insist. Such broth can be drunk – on 0,25 glasses in 30 min. prior to food three р / day. At treatment by a tansy of ulcers of a GIT the one-time dosage of broth is raised to 0,5 glasses. Well bathtubs with tansy broth at a mange, an inflammation of joints, gout, wounds and skin ulcers help. Except bathtubs at skin diseases, furuncles, cancer ulcerations, rheumatism, gout, an inflammation of joints it is possible to do compresses with tansy broth.

Toxic and tonic properties of a tansy allow to use it for independent abortion: plant decoction provokes reduction of muscles of a uterus that can lead to an early abortion, and the toxic agents which are contained in a plant can lead to death of a fruit.Пижма

The official medicine does not recommend to use a tansy for abortion as the probability of use of the wrong dosage is high. If broth of a tansy is insufficiently concentrated, there can be an incomplete abortion, death of an embryo in a uterus, decomposition and rotting of remains of a fruit, and as a result, blood poisoning, an infection.

Use of a tansy in the overestimated dosage can lead to severe bleeding, a cardiac standstill. For these reasons use of a tansy for abortion is extremely unsafe for health and the woman's life.


Treatment by a tansy is contraindicated to children, at its individual intolerance, during pregnancy.

Use of a tansy in view of its virulence has to be carried out under observation and on doctor's orders.

At overdose of broth or juice of a plant there can be a gastric disturbance, begin vomiting. In high doses the tansy causes spasms, a cardiac standstill.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Pizhma Flowers filter package of 1,5 g 20 pieces

64 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Pizhma Flowers of 75 g

69 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Pizhma flowers pack of 75 g, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

71 rub.

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