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Weight loss for men

Похудение для мужчин основывается на сбалансированном диетическом менюWeight loss for men is based on the balanced dietary menu, restriction of the consumed calories, refusal of alcohol, mobility and regular trainings with sport.

Features of a diet for weight loss for men

The diet for weight loss for men has to be planned taking into account physiological features of formation of excess weight to which it is possible to carry:

  • arrangement of fatty deposits in a stomach, pressure upon a diaphragm and heart;
  • negative influence of lipidic deposits on back walls of a myocardium and risk of developing of a heart attack;
  • existence of fatty deposits in a neck, with the subsequent developing of snore and night apnoea;
  • disturbances of a hormonal background with emergence of excess amount of estrogen.

Process of weight loss for men proceeds quicker, than at women as male sex hormones promote combustion of fats and weight reduction.

The effective program of weight loss for men has to include daily physical exercises, active lifestyle, swimming and regular foot walks.

Before weight loss men need to refuse gradually greasy, flour and spicy food, and also to limit the use of beer, carbonated and artificial drinks.

The dietary menu for weight loss for men

The correct dietary menu has to be combined with exercise stresses, and also with constant calculation of the consumed calories. At weight loss for men the following products have to be excluded from a diet:

  • with high content of salt;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • alcoholic beverages and beer;
  • the concentrated dishes in bags;
  • bakery products.

The diet diet basis for weight loss for men has to be made:

  • fresh vegetables and fruit;
  • porridge, muesli and flakes;
  • cottage cheese and low-fat fermented milk products;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • dietary meat of chicken, turkey and rabbit;
  • fish and dishes from it;
  • green tea and fruit juice;
  • firm grades of macaroni.

Correctly balanced menu for weight loss for men can look as follows:

  • breakfast – carbohydrate food (groat porridges, muesli, cottage cheese, chocolate):
  • lunch – boiled meat, vegetable broth, tofu cheese, apples, green tea;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, green tea, apples;
  • dinner – pasta, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Between the main meals of the man have to have a bite 3-4 times a day. During having a snack it is possible to eat fresh fruit and to drink natural juice.

The important recommendation of effective weight loss for men is separate food, and also not combination of pasta and meat.

Sports program of weight loss for men

Эффективные упражнения для похудения для мужчин должны включать отжимания, приседания, махи, прыжки и подтягиванияThe sports program of weight loss for men consists of a set of exercises and daily run. In the mornings it is necessary to carry out charging, and to be engaged several times a week in the gym on shells and exercise machines.

Effective exercises for weight loss for men have to include squeezing, squats, moves, jumps and pullings up. For strengthening of muscles it is necessary to carry out power exercises, and to increase loadings every week.

The most suitable program of exercises for weight loss for men have to be developed by the sports trainer and the nutritionist who consider age, physiological and psychological features.

During weight loss of the man have to lead a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time sleep 8-9 hours a day, avoid stresses and emissions of cortisol, and also to be engaged in an active hobby or hobby outdoors.

The correct weight loss for men has to be combined with swimming, physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

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