The disease at which inflammatory process consistently or at the same time covers several joints at once is called polyarthritis. The disease develops irrespective of age, sex and a social status of the person. At this disease practically all joints can be surprised, but special inconvenience brings polyarthritis of hands when becomes impossible to perform any operations.
Polyarthritis can be both primary, and secondary. In the first case this independent disease of an infectious and nonspecific etiology, in the second – a complication after sepsis, rheumatism and some other diseases. Out of time begun treatment or its absence can cause deterioration of life as the disease is inclined to a recurrence. Gradually functions of joints can be broken to such an extent that the person will be recognized as the disabled person.
Depending on inflammation origins polyarthritis is subdivided on infectious, exchange and rhematoid:
- the infectious form of a disease results from penetration into a joint with a blood flow of an infection or waste products of causative organisms. Infectious polyarthritis can be shown at a viral hepatitis, gonorrhea, dysentery.
- exchange or crystal polyarthritis develops because the synovial membrane is injured by osedayemy salt crystals in a joint bag. This form of polyarthritis is observed at disbolism, injuries of a joint, allergic predisposition.
- rhematoid polyarthritis forms under the influence of genetic factors and the environment. The course of a disease is promoted also by decrease in the immune status. This form of polyarthritis is a general disease as in process of progressing of a disease there is a defeat of connecting fabric, so, inflammatory process can cover also internals.
In joints, in addition to an inflammation, pathological growth of cells and blood vessels is observed. As a result in a joint bag the specific fabric having property to get into a cartilage is formed and to destroy it. The disease is rather eurysynusic, from rhematoid polyarthritis, women aged from 20 up to 50 years generally suffer.
Characteristic symptoms at polyarthritis of all forms are joint pains, puffiness and a hyperemia in the place of defeat. Quite often the disease is followed by rigidity, at a chronic current deformation of a joint is observed. At polyarthritis also overall health suffers. At the patient temperature increases, fatigue and weakness appears.
Most often initial symptoms of polyarthritis appear on hands, distribution of inflammatory process on other larger joints is possible later. The patient is disturbed by swelling of joints of hands, a hyperemia and morbidity over the affected joint. Are characteristic of polyarthritis of hands a zatrudnennost of bending of fingers in the morning or after work, and also emergence of educations in the form of small knots near the struck place. When performing even of the simplest movements by hands in the form of capture or rotation of people can experience difficulty.
The gradual beginning is characteristic of rhematoid polyarthritis: insignificant morning constraint, non-constant and mild pains, slight increase of body temperature. Further disease proceeds differently. At someone large joints are surprised, at the same time functions them are almost not broken, at others symptoms of polyarthritis are considerably expressed whereas the disease covers only small joints of feet and brushes.
Over time the course of rhematoid polyarthritis progresses, muscles, adjacent to a sore joint, atrophy, sinews are involved in process, the joint is deformed, the sick person does not become capable to performance of movements in full. Complaints to numbness in extremities and feeling in them of "goosebumps" which appear because of defeat of nerve fibrils join symptoms of polyarthritis of a rhematoid form.
Duration of treatment of polyarthritis in an acute phase depends on many factors, but all cases a course of administration of drugs rather long. Completely it is impossible to get rid of a disease, to the person in power only to brake process of a caries by means of the corresponding drugs, thereby having made the existence acceptable.
Treatment of polyarthritis is carried out in several directions. First of all drugs from group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids are used. The greatest effect gives a combination of tablets or injections to drugs of external use (creams, ointments and gels).
If necessary antibiotics, immunodepressants and antihistaminic drugs are used. Also during treatment of polyarthritis the attention is paid to improvement of the chronic centers of an infection. The physical therapy gives good effect: Ural federal district in erythema doses, an ionophoresis, a diathermy, paraffin applications, UVCh. At rhematoid polyarthritis treatment is supplemented with the means appointed by the rheumatologist.
As the distracting procedure at pains it is possible to use serial applying of cold and hot compresses on the injured joints. Also hot salt trays have similar effect.
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