Correct diet

The correct diet – the balanced daily diet filling balance necessary micro and macrocells, vitamins for normal development and functioning of an organism according to a way of life of the person.Диета питания РАМН - сбалансированный ежедневный рацион

Diet of institute of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science – the fundamentals of healthy nutrition allowing to normalize digestion, the number of the consumed calories, and also to reorganize sources of data of calories. The main advantage of the correct diet offered by institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is scientific validity that does this principle of food safe for any person. The diet of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is shown not only to people with various diseases (a GIT, cardiovascular system), but also that who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle, to lose weight, to get rid of addictions in food.

Correct diet: bases of healthy food

The correct diet allows to reorganize completely meal, a diet, and also helps to get rid of addictions in food. At the heart of the correct diet exclusively useful products, and also natural substitutes all favourite delicacies (nutlets, chips, croutons, chocolate bars).

Excess weight and, as a result, obesity – one of pressing problems of 21 centuries. The slow-moving way of life, promoting of easy having a snack, lack of a due diet, gennomodifitsiovanny products are the main reasons for emergence of excess weight.

Owing to specific features own diet and a diet is necessary for each organism. Also correct diet has to correspond to a way of life of the person. For this purpose to develop the correct diet, it is not obligatory to address the nutritionist. The following rules are the cornerstone of healthy nutrition:

  • Ratio of the consumed and spent calories;
  • Lack of an overeating;
  • The use of fresh products instead of semi-finished products;
  • Exception of useless "empty" calories;
  • Enough water.

Diet of institute of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science: basic principles of weight loss

The diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science was developed more than 20 years ago. The simplest principle of respect for balance of the spent and consumed calories is its basis. By the staff of institute it was established that the minimum of calories necessary for an organism depending on a type of activity for start of active splitting and burning of fatty deposits, fluctuates ranging from 1200 to 1800 calories a day.

The following principle which is been the basis for a diet of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is high-quality, but not quantitative consumption of food for receiving a necessary minimum of calories. So, a basis of the diet offered by a diet of institute of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science are:

  • Low-fat grades of fish, meat;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with the low content of fats;
  • Eggs boiled;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruit in unlimited number;
  • The grain welded without addition of salt and oil;
  • Bread grades from bran, rye flour, crackers;
  • Laminaria;
  • Vegetable oil – a basis of the fats consumed at the correct diet;
  • Walnuts, almonds, filbert;
  • Salt to 5 g a day;
  • The purified still water – to 2 l a day.

That it is necessary to exclude from a diet at the correct diet:

  • Cooking fats, margarine, coconut oil;
  • Lard, smoked products;
  • Liver, liver pates, offal;
  • Premium bread, confectionery;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Pasta.

Diet of institute of food: efficiency of a method

The effective healthy nutrition helps to reduce gradually quantity of the consumed products, changing a share of vegetables in a usual diet. The diet of institute of food allows to activate in the conditions of consumption of enough food metabolism of fats in an organism. The term of observance of a diet makes from 14 to 21 days for which weight can be lost from 7 to 11 kg that will depend on the initial weight of the person. The use of fresh fruit and vegetables will allow to reduce significantly diet caloric content, and fermented milk products will help to start processes of clarification of a GIT.

The diet of institute of food allows to avoid disbolism that quite often happens at observance of traditional bystry diets for weight loss. The correct diet will allow to change "food" habits effectively: fractional food (three main meals and two additional which can be excluded afterwards from the mode), an exception of harmful products and empty calories.

The correct diet allows to change functioning of a GIT, gradually accustoming an organism to the correct diet. As a rule, after end of a diet of institute of food the habit to use useful products is fixed.Основные принципы правильной диеты

Diet of institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science: whether the diet is suitable for constant observance?

The diet of institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is efficiently weight reduction and normalization of a diet and a diet. However this diet is not suitable for constant observance owing to the low caloric content. The need of an organism for calories changes depending on a season of year, a way of life of the person, associated diseases, age. Constant observance of a diet of institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science can lead to avitaminosis, deficit of the main macro - and microelements that in turn will provoke disturbances of functioning of various systems of an organism. This diet is developed for observance during a certain term and achievement of desirable result. If the correct diet did not lead to desirable weight reduction, it can be repeated in a month. However at inefficiency of the correct diet passing of comprehensive examination at the therapist, the nutritionist, the endocrinologist for detection of the possible internal factors provoking excess weight is recommended.

Diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science: advantages and shortcomings of a method

The diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is one of the safest power supply systems contributing to normalization of digestive function of the person, gradual change of a diet, and also development of a new diet.

The main advantages of a diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science are:

  • A wide choice of the products allowed for the use that allows to create an own diet, gradually changing it, supplementing with new products. It in turn allows to avoid an essential stress for an organism, starvation;
  • The correct diet of the Russian Academy of Medical Science allows to start natural processes of clarification and combustion of fats;
  • Sufficient time for natural reorganization of an organism.

The main lack of a diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science is constant calculation of the used calories for what it is necessary to study energy value of products on which the diet is based. The diet of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science demands accurate control of number of the consumed calories what requires the diary of food which is very useful by preparation and observance of any diet. So, all meals (having a snack, lollipops, coffee) with transfer of all used products and their quantities are brought in the diary of food. Such records will help to exclude unnecessary meals, and also to define those products which use during the day does not bring any benefit.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.