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Drugs for weight loss

Drugs for weight loss – group of medicines which effect is directed to decrease in body weight, normalization of metabolic processes of an organism. Drugs for correction of weight in most cases use in a complex, supplementing effect of a dietary diet and active exercise stresses. Use of any of drugs for correction of weight should be coordinated with the nutritionist after passing of comprehensive examination in order to avoid side effects.

Drugs for weight loss: classification, basic principles of effect of drugs

Препараты для похудения помогут только в том случае, если их подобрать с учетом индивидуальных особенностейDrugs for weight loss are means of pharmacological correction of weight. Today many means helping to normalize body weight are presented at the pharmaceutical market. It is possible to choose the correct, most effective drug for correction of weight only after establishment of the reason of emergence of excess weight.

Determinal factors of development of obesity are:

  • Genetics;
  • Social status of the person;
  • Psychological stress and chronic depression;
  • Disbolism;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Improper feeding and overeating even on condition of healthy food.

Drugs for weight loss are not used as the main means for a solution of the problem of excess weight. The problem of obesity (excess weight) demands an integrated approach and, first of all, elimination of the reasons of its emergence, differently even the most effective techniques and medicamentous means for weight loss will be not efficient.

All adjusting drugs classify by the following principles:

  • On use – internal and external (the creams, gels promoting splitting of subcutaneous fats);
  • By the principle of action – the suppressors of appetite, means interfering digestion of fats from food, the drugs normalizing exchange processes;
  • On a way of action and the rendered effect – anorexics, the substitutes of food and a nutritsevtika purifying drugs, burners of fat.

Anorexics are the drugs for weight reduction having anorexigenic effect. Drugs influence the think-tanks responsible for feeling of saturation owing to what the organism of the patient is adjusted on the use of smaller amount of food. Uses of means for weight loss such it is the most comfortable for the patient as promote development of new culture of food.

Substitutes of food or nutritsevtika are applied in a complex with a medical diet. The effect is reached by replacement of one or several meals of drugs for weight loss. The minimum quantity of medicinal substances, the balanced complex of vitamins, micro and macrocells support Nutritsevtiki. Cellulose which, inflating in a stomach, creates effect of saturation is a part of such drugs.

The principle of action of burners of fat is based on increase in heat production that promotes metabolism activation, appetite suppression, splitting of fats. However such means for weight loss render due effect only at the corresponding exercise stresses and a dietary diet.

The clearing means for weight loss promote weight reduction thanks to light laxative and diuretic effect. Often at the heart of such drugs natural components (cowberry leaves, Senna grass) are used. Such drugs at observance of all rules of use are safest and easy in use, and the effect becomes swept up practically at once. However at uncontrolled use of the clearing drugs there is a washing away of proteins from an organism, his dehydration.

Medicines for weight loss: advantages and shortcomings

Efficiency of each of medicines for weight loss entirely and completely depends on correctness of selection of drug in each individual case, and also on the reasons provoking excess weight.

The main advantages of medicines to weight loss are:

  • Ease of use;
  • Efficiency;
  • Lack of need of exercise stresses.

However along with obvious advantages pharmacological drugs for weight loss possess the following shortcomings:

  • Serious side effects;
  • Fragility of the achieved results – drugs for weight loss cannot be used throughout long term. If during use of drugs and weight loss for the person the new culture of food is not developed, then the risk of repeated set of weight is high;
  • The contraindications significantly limiting a possibility of use of drugs to which various diseases, pregnancy, a lactation, age, individual intolerance generally belong.

In spite of the fact that the majority of the means for weight loss is provided in drugstores without recipe, for safety of their use and efficiency, nutritionists extremely do not recommend independent treatment of excess weight pharmacological means. Uncontrolled use of drugs for weight loss can significantly break functioning of systems of an organism.

The most effective drugs for weight loss: сибутрамин and орлистат

For weight loss distinguish drugs of the central action from the most effective drugs (anorexics) and peripheral action (inhibitors of gastrointestinal lipases).

The most effective drug for weight loss of the central action is сибутрамин. This drug inhibits the return capture of such neurotransmitters as noradrenaline and serotonin, strengthening feeling of satiety that promotes reduction of amount of the eaten food and formation of the correct habits of food. This drug also promotes activation of a sympathetic nervous system and increase in power consumption. Sibutramin does not cause dependence and accustoming, and also has no neurotoxic effect. At reception of this drug many patients note the following side effects:

  • Increase in the ABP;
  • Disturbance of a cordial rhythm;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Препараты для похудения можно употреблять в комплексе с физическими упражнениямиThe most effective drug for weight loss of peripheral action is орлистат. This drug blocks action of a pancreatic lipase that promotes reduction of absorption of fats in intestines to 30%. This effect creates deficit of calories that promotes weight reduction. Orlistat promotes decrease and maintenance of the achieved result, normalization of lipidic and carbohydrate metabolism.

Drugs for weight loss: responses of patients, recommendations of doctors

At the choice of drugs for weight loss responses of patients will allow to understand what side effects are most often shown at use of this or that means, and also to partially define efficiency of drug. At the choice of drugs for weight loss responses of patients cannot become key factor. Drugs for correction of weight are used only in coordination with the attending physician after passing of full inspection and an exception of the states and diseases which are contraindications to its use.

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