Main > Human organs> Rectum


The rectum represents terminal (final) department of a digestive tract. It is direct continuation of a large intestine, however differs from it both on the structure, and on the functions.

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Rectum structure

The rectum is in a cavity of a small pelvis. Its length at the adult makes about 15 cm. It comes to an end with an anal orifice (anus) located on crotch skin.

The rectum consists of three layers: mucous, submucosal and muscular. Outside it is covered with rather strong fascia. Between a muscular coat and the fascia there is a thin layer of fatty tissue. This layer in addition to a rectum surrounds a neck of uterus at women, and at men is a prostate and seed bubbles.

Slightly above an anal orifice the mucous membrane forms numerous vertical folds – columns of Morganyi. Between columns there are folds in which small parts a calla, foreign bodys can be late that in turn can become the reason of development of inflammatory process. Locks, inflammations can lead to emergence on a surface of folds of nipples (an eminence of a usual mucous membrane) which sometimes mistakenly take for rectum polyps.

Functions of a rectum

In a rectum there is an accumulation and hardening a calla before defecation process. This evakuatorny function is considerably controlled by consciousness and will of the person.

Rectum diseases

All pathologies of a rectum exert huge impact on quality and the standard of living of any person. Therefore the modern medicine pays huge attention to prevention of diseases and treatment of a rectum. For diagnosis of diseases various tool and not tool diagnostic methods are used: physiological, radiological, laboratory methods of a research. However the most informative method is the kolonoskopiya allowing to reveal many, including precancerous diseases and cancer of a rectum.

The most often found diseases of a rectum are:

  • Proctitis – inflammatory process in a rectum;
  • The prolapse of the rectum – most often is the main reason for this pathology weakening of the muscles forming a pelvic bottom;
  • Fissures (crack) – small ruptures of a mucous membrane of a rectum;
  • Rectum polyps – usually do not bring to patients any discomfort. However over time they can regenerate in a malignant tumor;
  • Rectum cancer – rather terrible and dangerous disease. Treatment its operational also consists a rectum at a distance (partial or full together with an anus). If the patient with rectum cancer late asks for medical care and is not possible to execute radical operation any more, then to it appoint palliative treatment (beam, chemotherapy) which purpose is extension of life of the patient and improvement of its quality. Timely to diagnose cancer of a rectum it is regularly necessary to have medical examinations, especially to the people suffering from rectum polyps.

Doctors proctologists are engaged in treatment of a rectum. Many diseases are treated conservatively and only at unsuccessfulness of the carried-out therapy there are surgical indications. After removal of a rectum impose an unnatural anal orifice (kolonostoma) or if the condition of the patient allows, perform reconstructive operations (create an artificial rectum from the site of a large intestine).

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