Main > Diseases> Proctitis


Проктит - воспалительное заболевание слизистой оболочки прямой кишкиProctitis – an inflammatory disease at which the mucous membrane of a rectum is surprised. The proctitis can be followed by an inflammation of the site of intestines above a rectum. The proctitis is quite often confused to a paraproctitis. At a paraproctitis the fabrics surrounding a rectum inflame.

Reasons, forms and symptoms of a proctitis

The proctitis can develop at improper feeding, excessive alcohol intake, hot dishes. Quite often the proctitis of a rectum develops against the background of constant locks. Regular locks promote emergence of venous stagnation in a rectum. Stagnation of blood in walls of a rectum injures a mucous membrane of intestines. All these factors lead to development of a congestive proctitis.

At an invasion parasites (balantidiya, trichomonads, dysenteric amoebas) the risk of development of a parasitic proctitis increases. The gonococcal infection can lead to a gonorrheal proctitis.

The proctitis of a rectum can develop during the overcooling, diseases of bodies of a small pelvis (cystitis, prostatitis). The rectum diseases proceeding without inflammatory process can provoke development of this disease (for example, hemorrhoids). Allocate acute and chronic forms of a proctitis. The acute proctitis is divided into a catarral and hemorrhagic, catarral and purulent and polypostural proctitis. Superficial damage of a mucous membrane of intestines is characteristic of an acute proctitis. At a catarral and hemorrhagic form of a proctitis in mucous a rectum dot disseminated hemorrhages are formed. At a catarral and purulent form of a disease the mucous membrane of a rectum evenly becomes covered by a purulent plaque. At a polypostural form of a proctitis on mucous a rectum polipovidny educations (outgrowths) are formed.

The ulcer (erosive) proctitis is followed by development of ulcerations or erosion of a mucous rectum. The acute proctitis most often develops within several days. The proctitis in a chronic form usually develops within several months or even years. At this form of a disease deep layers of a mucous membrane of a gut are surprised. The chronic proctitis can be atrophic or hypertrophic. At an atrophic proctitis the mucous membrane is thinned, and its folds are maleficiated. At a hypertrophic proctitis of a rectum of a fold mucous become friable because of a thickening.

The main symptom of a proctitis of a rectum in an acute form pain in a rectum is considered. Pain usually is followed by purulent and bloody discharges from an anus. Pain at an acute proctitis usually amplifies during defecation. Other symptoms of a proctitis in an acute form are the diarrhea, a lock, pains in a crotch giving to a waist and to generative organs.

At a chronic form of a disease phases of an aggravation and a zatikhaniye alternate. At an exacerbation of a disease periodically there is pain in a rectum, a back gut or in ileal area at the left. In a stage of remission (zatikhaniye) the only display of a disease is presence of slime in Calais. The gonorrheal proctitis can be followed by narrowing of a rectum and development of a chronic lock.

Diagnosis and treatment of a proctitis

At emergence of symptoms of a proctitis for specification of the diagnosis special researches are conducted. At a manual rectal research the doctor a finger probes the inflamed gut walls. At a rektoskopiya inspection of walls of a gut is performed by means of a rektoskop. This method of a research allows to distinguish with an accuracy a proctitis from other diseases with similar symptoms.

The cytology of intestinal contents and biopsy of an intestinal wall are appointed for clarification of degree and the nature of inflammatory changes. These methods also allow to distinguish a proctitis from a gut tumor.

Treatment of a proctitis in many respects depends on a form and an etiology. The scheme of treatment of a proctitis includes the medical mode, hygienic actions, observance of a diet. At severe forms of an acute proctitis (catarral and purulent, erosive, ulcer, polypostural) hospitalization is shown. To the patient with an acute proctitis appoint a bed rest.

At a proctitis the amount of the used cellulose is limited, and also spices and any hot dishes, alcohol, fried dishes are completely excluded. At this disease soups on the basis of low-fat grades of meat, fermented milk products, low-fat meat in the ground look have to make a diet basis.

For treatment of a proctitis in an acute form the antibiotics suppressing development of an infection are appointed. The attending physician has to define a dosage of an antibiotic and duration of treatment.

For topical administration at this disease oil microclysters, microclysters with colloid silver solution, camomile broth, sedentary bathtubs with potassium permanganate are used.

At a chronic proctitis in a stage of remission bathtubs and mud cure are shown. The good effect gives an enteroclysis warm mineral water (Borjomi, Yessentuki). Washings activate motor function of a digestive tract and promote removal of slime.

Surgical treatment of a proctitis is appointed very seldom. At timely treatment the disease comes to an end with an absolute recovery. Observance of hygienic recommendations and a diet significantly reduces risk of development of exacerbations of a disease.

Proctitis – treatment by folk remedies

Проктит можно лечить народными средствами - применять клизмы с травяными настоямиSome ways of treatment of a proctitis folk remedies help to remove the inflammatory process proceeding in a rectum. At treatment of a proctitis folk remedies it is necessary to take two tablespoons of flowers of a calendula and to fill in them with a glass of boiled water. All this should be heated on the water bath within 15-20 minutes (to stir slowly constantly). The received infusion should be cooled and filtered. It is necessary to use infusion daily three-four times a day, previously having diluted it with water.

This infusion can be applied to an enteroclysis. For this purpose in one tablespoon of infusion it is necessary to pour in one tablespoon of boric acid (3%). To enter the received medicine by means of an enema every day before going to bed.

At a proctitis it is possible to take a half of a tablespoon of a melissa and marjoram, to mix and fill in with a glass of boiled water. Then for 25 minutes to place on the water bath then to allow broth to infuse an hour and a half. The received broth it is possible to make the withheld enemas.

For a sedentary bathtub it is possible to use infusion of a horsetail field. For preparation of infusion it is necessary to take a half of a glass of a horsetail field and to fill in it with one liter of boiled water. To allow broth to insist to infuse about ten minutes and to filter. The received broth can be used for a sedentary bathtub.

At an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a rectum mix of oak bark, flowers of a toadflax and a grass of water pepper will help. All components should be taken in quantities, equal on volume, to pound to gruel in a mortar and to fill in with the kindled warm pork fat. In 12 hours the received mix should be warmed up and filtered slightly. Then to take a little prepared mix on a gauze tampon and to enter it into an anus. To hold not less than five hours. The course of treatment has to last about three weeks.

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