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from 1845 rub.

Psillium is biologically active nutritional supplement on the basis of the water-soluble and well acquired food fiber (cellulose) which slows down assimilation of lipids and carbohydrates, normalizes a metabolism and recovers production of insulin.

Structure and form of release

Псиллиум является биологически активной пищевой добавкой на основе водорастворимого и хорошо усваиваемого пищевого волокнаThe main active ingredient – the crushed plantain of 500 mg. Auxiliary components: cellulose, magnesium stearate, talc.

Psillium release in the form of powder, capsules and chewing flat cakes. Drug has a brownish shade, and the smell and color are neutral.

In phytotherapy Psillium use as dry powder for broths and as additive to porridges.

Pharmacological properties of Psillium

Psillium is intended for completion of need of an organism for food fibers. This additive is suitable as a product for dietary food and elimination of excess weight. After intake Psillium reduces feeling of hunger, clears intestines, stabilizes process of digestion and fixes problems with defecation.

Psillium has good responses as the nutritional supplement which is not causing irritation of bodies of a GIT and improving carbon exchange. The regular use of Psillium on the basis of natural components allows to adapt the alimentary system to fiber, and also to improve a tone of a muscular ring between a stomach and a duodenum. Fibers of a plantain do not cause intestines injuries, and at contact with liquid are softened and increase in sizes.

Psillium is suitable as nutritional supplement for prevention of a diabetes mellitus and is a strong enterosorbent which brings harmful substances out of an organism. Powder, getting into intestines, envelops its walls and works as the healing erosion and ulcers medicine. In dietology Psillium use as an additional tool for treatment of bulimia. This nutritional supplement stimulates endocrine system, improves motility and secretion of digestive glands. Immune function of the alimentary system is as a result normalized.

Psillium has the recovering and clearing effect on lymphatic capillaries, improves intestinal microflora, promotes elimination of dysbacteriosis and interferes with formation of stones in kidneys and a gall bladder.

After a course of reception of this biological additive the general condition of an urinary system improves, and also process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques is considerably slowed down.

Indications to Psillium's use

Psillium appoint for treatment of a syndrome of the angry intestines, a diabetes mellitus, bulimia, diarrhea, a divertuculosis, a lock and deficit of cellulose.

Psillium received positive reviews as an effective remedy for decrease in level of cholesterol and glucose in blood.

Application instruction

Псиллиум выпускают в виде порошка, капсул и жевательных лепешекAccording to the instruction Psillium it is necessary to accept on 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Gradually it is possible to increase a dosage of nutritional supplement to 3 teaspoons 2 times a day. Extract of a plantain needs to be washed down with a large amount of water. Powder can be dissolved in green tea or fruit juice.

Dietary supplement in the form of capsules should accept 2 times a day on 1 piece. It is possible to increase the number of capsules gradually to 3-4 pieces a day. According to the instruction Psillium it is necessary to accept in 2-3 hours prior to reception of medicines and other dietary supplements. For the best assimilation within a day it is necessary to drink 5-7 glasses of water.

Contraindications and side effects of Psillium

Drug Psillium is contraindicated to appointment at individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions to its components, and also during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With caution dietary supplement should be taken to patients with a serious illness of the alimentary system, mental disorders, disturbances of cerebral circulation and at advanced age.

Psillium can make vomiting, sick, dizziness and a headache, muscular spasms, a meteorism, dyspepsia and diarrhea. After reception of nutritional supplement allergic reactions – an itch and burning, urticaria, rhinitis, a swallowing zatrudnennost, a bronchospasm, skin rash, dermatitis and a Quincke's edema can appear.

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Name of drug



Solgar псиллиум 500 mg of n200 капс.

1845 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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