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The Chinese tea Pu-erh has centuries-old history. It is known that for the first time its emergence is noted in the east of the Tsikhay-Tibetsky plateau in Shue's kingdom in the 3rd century BC. The well-known tea was made of leaves of adult tea trees which grow on the plateau. Respect for specific technology of processing which was improved for centuries and long process of aging, allocated this tea with unusual properties. The specific effect of tea Pu-erh is expressed in all-tonic and recreational action on a human body, but is considered by judges as well special many-sided taste and aroma of drink.

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Made on the traditional Pu-erh technology is a big rarity. It is carried to valuable collection grades of tea which cost can reach fortune. Now for its preparation use the modern accelerated technologies. And though drink turns out quite close both to taste and on qualities to that rare tea Pu-erh, judges note that it cannot be compared to the drink made on ancient technology. Nevertheless, modern tea Pu-erh renders effect on an organism quite strong and therefore it is used in the recreational purposes, for example, tea Pu-erh for weight loss is popular now what we will talk further about.

The Chinese researchers about properties of tea Pu-erh

In the territory of China the effect of Pu-erh both short-term, and long, is studied within the national program for preservation of health. Including researches are conducted by the most serious institutes and outstanding scientists, and results of their work are quite impressive.

In particular, the Chinese researchers noted considerable improvement of work of intestines as a result of the regular use of tea, normalization of a vermicular movement, recovery of balance of microflora. However at the same time, despite increase in evakuatorny function of intestines it is not recommended to drink Pu-erh at acute poisoning.

Regular drink of Pu-erh leads to decrease in viscosity of blood that is necessary for people who are disturbed by the problems connected with it, in particular, such frequent disease as a varicosity and the thrombophlebitis accompanying it.

The Chinese scientists note also property of tea Pu-erh to lower the content of sugar in blood and to normalize cholesterol level that provides reliable prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other morbid conditions of cardiovascular system. Antioxidant properties of tea Pu-erh allow to recommend it as prophylactic of oncological diseases and early aging.

In China it is also considered that Pu-erh suppresses nausea, kills headaches and promotes removal of slags from an organism.

Whether tea Pu-erh is suitable for weight loss?

It is quite often possible to hear that reception of Pu-erh causes intensive oxidation of fats in an organism and therefore its began to include in various dietary programs for weight reduction. However after careful studying it was found out that it is not true, and tea does not exert any special impact on a lipometabolism. The only effect of tea Pu-erh for weight loss is an ability to slightly lower feeling of hunger in intervals between meals. This property of tea Pu-erh helps to avoid having a snack which often is one of the main reasons for set of weight. The existing reviews of tea Pu-erh from the people trying to lose weight with its help, testify to its efficiency only in combination with a diet.

Thus, in combination with careful control of a diet, and also taking into account in general positive influence on a digestive tract, tea Pu-erh for weight loss can be effective, though not in that degree as it is propagandized.

When tea Pu-erh is not recommended

In spite of the fact that this drink is considered many diseases medicine, cases when it is not recommended to use it are known. So, doctors advise to refrain from the use of Pu-erh during pregnancy. Its action on an organism of the pregnant woman and on a fruit is not studied therefore you should not risk.

As well as many tonics, this tea next the heart though it to a lesser extent irritates a mucous membrane of a digestive tract, than, say, green tea is not recommended to accept. Nevertheless, the irritating effect of tea Pu-erh is known therefore its use at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum is contraindicated, ulcer colitis and other damages of a mucous membrane of digestive tract.

Also existence of stones in a gall bladder or kidneys has to serve as the reason for refusal of this drink. The matter is that tea Pu-erh is the strongest cholagogue and diuretic drink capable to lead to the movement of stones and emergence of an attack of colic.

There are reviews of Pu-erh noting that it makes undesirable impact on a condition of sight at some diseases of eyes.

It is impossible to drink Pu-erh at fever as it does not promote vasodilatation and fall of temperature of a body, and also it is capable to lead to the dehydration extremely undesirable in this state.

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What popularity of Pu-erh is explained by

Now the given drink enjoys improbable popularity in society, partly thanks to really curative properties of tea Pu-erh, partly thanks to opinion on its ability to normalize weight and some exoticism.

Practically all reviews of tea Pu-erh are positive, people who entered it into the diet, note considerable improvement of overall health, increase in vitality, alignment of a psychoemotional state, normalization of a sleep pattern and wakefulness.

An important role in popularity of tea is played by its taste – bitterish, leaving sweetish aftertaste. Pu-erh is good as coffee substitute for the people who got used to its tonic action as tonic, and some reviews of tea tell Pu-erh about it, as about excellent antihungover means.

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