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Bladder cancer

Рак мочевого пузыря

Cancer of a bladder is the most frequent malignant disease of urinogenital system at men, and occurs at women four times less often. People in an age group from 45 to 60 years are most subject to a disease of bladder cancer. Distinguish long contact with aniline dyes and chronic diseases of a bladder from the reasons – a papillomatosis and cystitis. Also there are data testimonial of a direct connection of cancer of bladder with tobacco smoking.

Types and stages of cancer of bladder

Stages of cancer of bladder differ on tumor penetration depth in fabric of body. On this sign it is accepted to allocate two groups of cancer: superficial and invasive. The first group treat in situ bladder cancer (on site) and superficial cancer of a bladder, that is being in limits of a mucous membrane the second – cancer of a muscular layer and cancer of a bladder sprouting surrounding fabrics. Invasive forms of a disease which proceed more aggressively are more dangerous, and give metastasises more often.

Allocate the following stages of cancer of bladder:

  1. The tumor is in limits of a mucous membrane of a bladder.
  2. The tumor sprouts a muscular wall of a bladder
  3. The tumor sprouts fatty tissue and a superficial wall of a bladder.
  4. The tumor burgeons in the next bodies: a uterus, a vagina at women, a prostate at men, an abdominal wall, haunch bones.

Bladder cancer symptoms

As well as the majority of malignant diseases, bladder cancer a long time can proceed asymptomatically. It should be noted that bladder cancer symptoms not always depend on a stage of tumoral process. At a considerable stage of pronounced symptoms of cancer of bladder can sometimes not be, and at the first emergence it can become clear that the tumor reached the considerable sizes and gave metastasises. The earliest and characteristic symptom of cancer of bladder is the hamaturia, or emergence of blood in urine. Urine gains "rusty" color unusual for it, or color of meat slops. Such symptom not necessarily speaks about bladder cancer, it can be also a symptom of other disease, but it is always the terrible sign demanding immediate urological inspection. A bladder cancer symptom, the second for frequency, this speeded-up urination. In process of development of a tumor, its disintegration and intake of decomposition products in blood, overall health worsens, the breakdown, appetite loss, a sleep disorder, the general exhaustion appears. At germination by a tumor of a wall of a bladder the urodynia appears, in the started bladder cancer stages pain becomes a constant.

Diagnosis of cancer of bladder

Two types of researches are applied to diagnosis of cancer of bladder: medical visualization and a histologic research of a piece of a tumor on existence of malignant cells (biopsy). From methods of medical visualization in this case the most informative is the tsistoskopiya – a bladder research the endoscope, the thin tool entered into a cavity of body, having own light source and the camera broadcasting the image on the monitor. The cystoscope is supplied with also surgical instrument allowing to take a bladder tissue piece around a tumor for a laboratory research. At suspicion on far come stage of development of cancer of bladder, carry out MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography) for definition of metastasises. For detection of metastasises in bones use an osteostsintigrafiya.

Cancer therapy of a bladder

Malignant tumors of a bladder treat by surgical, therapeutic methods, and also radiation. Cancer therapy of a bladder depends on its stage. In a stage of in situ and superficial cancer carrying out low-invasive organoshchadyashchy operation – an oncotomy by an endoscopic method is possible, such operation a transurethral cystectomy is called. In the third stage carry out a partial cystectomy, that is the part of body affected with a tumor is removed. If the tumor is extensive, the cystectomy is carried out, that is all bladder, with the subsequent plastics – creation of a new bladder from the site of intestines is removed. Cancer therapy of a bladder is carried out also by means of chemotherapy which is applied to or after operation.

At organ-preserving operations of a himiopreparata are entered directly in a bladder. In other cases at cancer therapy of a bladder the cytostatic drugs are administered intravenously. Radiation therapy in cancer therapy of a bladder is applied as prevention of innidiation of cancer and emergence of a recurrence, to or after operation, and is very important. Its use in combination with operation and reception of tsitostatik yields the best result. In inoperable cases of the fourth stage of cancer of bladder apply chemotherapy and radiation as the main method of treatment directed to simplification of a condition of the patient and reduction of a pain syndrome.

Forecast of cancer of bladder

The forecast of cancer of bladder depends in many respects on at what stage of malignant process treatment was begun. Oncologists operate with a concept five-year survival after the carried-out treatment. Five-year survival at cancer of a bladder of the first and second stages makes respectively 88 and 67%. In a stage of germination of a wall and surrounding fabrics, after carrying out a cystectomy, five-year survival makes about 50%. In a stage of germination of the next bodies the forecast adverse. Also existence of the metastasises especially remote worsens the forecast of cancer of bladder.

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Prevention of cancer of bladder

Basis of prevention of cancer of bladder is observance of safety measures during the work with aniline dyes and other carcinogenic substances of paint and varnish production. The timely address to the doctor, adequate treatment of inflammatory diseases, removal of papillomas of a bladder, refusal of addictions, including habits to detain an urination and sufficient reception of liquid – here measures of prevention of cancer of bladder which will allow to prevent this terrible disease.

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