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Fish ice

Ice fishes call several types of family of belokrovny fishes. Their feature is absence in blood of hemoglobin and erythrocytes thanks to what they also received such name. These fishes only live in Antarctic. The most widespread species of ice fishes is Gunnar which preferential lives in the area of the Antarctic islands.

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Length of fish makes 30-40 cm, especially jumbos can reach in length of 70 cm. Weight makes 0,3-1 kg. The largest caught copy of a shchukovidny belokrovka weighed 2 kg with a length of body of 66 cm.

Body at fish naked, translucent, with dark wide cross strips. Because of feature of blood in a color of fish completely are absent red tone. The head makes nearly a quarter of the size of a body, from above flattened and slightly extended, with big toothy jaws. The mouth big also makes nearly a half of length of the head. By outward fish is very similar to a pike.

The skeleton at ice fish soft with the low content of calcium, bones is not enough.


In the 19th century the Norwegian whalers told that in Antarctic, in a southwest part of the Atlantic Ocean, at the island South Georgia, interesting fishes with colourless blood whom they christened "ice" or "anemic" swim. But skeptically adjusted scientists believed in their existence not at once. Scientifically began to investigate fish only in 1954.

Now ice fish is caught by trawls of various depth preferential near islands Southern Orkney, South Georgia, Kerguelen and Southern Shetland. The quantity of a catch makes from 1 to 4,5 thousand pieces annually. In Russia fishermen began to be engaged in trade of "ice-boat" from 70th years of the 20th century, and their catch made up to 100 thousand a year. Now in Russia do not borrow with this trade and all "ice-boat" on the domestic market gets from abroad.

Structure and caloric content of ice fish

Meat of ice fish contains a large amount of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine and others important macro - and microelements. There are at its structure PP, C, B1, B2, B6, B9 vitamins.

Due to the unique tastes, and also because of remoteness of its dwelling and complexity of a catch this fish is referred to category "premium". As the main food for fish serves the krill thanks to what her meat has taste of shrimps, and specific, and such unpleasant for many, the fish smell at it completely is absent.

Meat on taste gentle, dense and low-fat. Caloric content of ice fish makes 91 kcal on 100 g of a product. At fish there is a high content of protein, about 17%. One more undoubted advantage of fish is almost total absence of bones, for an exception of edges and the ridge.

As ice fish lives preferential in environmentally friendly regions of our planet, it can safely be carried to one of the purest fishes. Besides its meat is one of the most useful to healthy dietary food.

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Fish enjoys special popularity in Japan where at many restaurants it is often given in the raw that gives the chance to feel its unique shrimp taste. Unfortunately, recently the number of ice fish began to be reduced sharply therefore also the price of it is quite high.

Recipes of preparation of fish exists very much therefore even on the most exacting taste it is possible to find a dish to liking. Well it is combined with various seasonings, herbs and roots, with ginger, a basil and a lemon melissa. Fast meat of ice fish perfectly is suitable for preparation of dishes of Asian cuisine, for example, of the Indian curry. The simplest, but at the same time, very tasty recipe of its preparation is usual roasting in sesame oil.

Fish comes to our markets preferential in the frozen look. However, because meat at it very gentle, you should not allow it repeated freezing, otherwise it will significantly worsen taste.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.