Main > Food stuffs> Mulberry


Mulberry (it - a mulberry tree, or a mulberry) – high, to 20 meters a tree with white, red or dark-violet, almost black fruits stone fruit. The tree sacred and is thermophilic, berries ripen, depending on a growth area, in June-August. The countries of southwest and east Asia are considered as the homeland of a mulberry. Still the medieval Persian scientist, the doctor and Abu Ali ibn Xing's philosopher (Avicenna) devoted to advantage of a mulberry a whole chapter in "A canon of medical science" - work on which in the practice folk healers still rely. In ancient China on leaves and draws of a mulberry grew up silkworms.

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Today mulberries are cultivated as fruit-trees and as raw materials for cultivation of caterpillars of silkworms. Also leaves of trees go on a forage to the cattle, wood is used in the woodworking industry for production of musical instruments and souvenirs.

From berries of a black mulberry receive a food dye. It is clear, that from them it is very difficult to remove spots.

Because of resistance of mulberry trees to pollution of the atmosphere gases, smoke and dust, they are often used for gardening of large settlements.

Useful properties of a mulberry

Traditional medicine as raw materials uses a mulberry that is called "from top to toe" - from roots to kidneys and fruits as fresh, and in prepared (dried).

But particular interest, both with medical, and from the gastronomic point of view, mulberry fruits represent. They are rich with sugars (glucose, fructose), group B vitamins (including B3, or RR), ascorbic acid, vitamin K. In them essential oils, pectinaceous and tannins are also found in rather large number.

The mulberry in comparison with other berries contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus therefore the advantage of a mulberry in the menu in the period of intensive intellectual loading is not subject to doubt.

The average caloric content of hundred grams of a mulberry makes 43 kcal.

Use of roots, leaves and fruits of a mulberry

Juice of roots is a helminthicide, and their broth helps at bronchial asthma, catarrhal cough, heart troubles, a hypertension. At diseases of kidneys use bark of small and average branches. Outwardly powder from bark is applied at wounds and burns.

Juice from fresh leaves of a mulberry satisfies a dentagra, broths possess febrifugal and soothing action at catarrhal diseases. In official medicine leaves use as supportive application at treatment of initial forms of diabetes.

Broth from leaves can be applied to rinsing of hair for the purpose of giving of silkiness to them.

Depending on a look (white, red or black) and degrees of a maturity, property of a mulberry and its action on an organism can be various, up to opposite. So, the use of the green (immature) berries having the knitting properties promotes the termination of diarrhea, and the ripe and overripe fruits, on the contrary, poslablyat and therefore are useful at locks. Also mature fruits are the fine diuretic recommended at hypostases of a renal and cardiovascular origin. The red mulberry exerts positive impact on blood, white – on a nervous system.

Useful properties of a mulberry allow to recommend fresh berries to the people suffering from an anemia, gastrointestinal diseases (including, stomach ulcer and a duodenum), diseases of kidneys and a liver, a hypertension and gout. Juice and broth of fruits it is possible to rinse a throat at cold and various inflammatory diseases (earlier the mulberry was applied even at treatment of scarlet fever). Also, according to reviews about a mulberry, the use of its freshly squeezed juice protects from stomatitis and periodontosis.

Juice from berries of a white mulberry is good prophylactic of children's rickets. For the same purposes it is possible to use dried berries or thickened must – in a special way the condensed juice called still by "fruit honey". Both in thickened must, and in dried berries all curative properties of fresh fruits remain almost without loss.

Berries are very useful to the people having heart disease and a myocardial dystrophy. Reviews of a mulberry of patients with such diseases demonstrate that the regular use of a large number of fresh fruits reduces at them cardiac pains and short wind.

Infusion of ripe fruits is used at dyskinesia of biliary tract, and syrup from them is good sudorific.

The use of a mulberry promotes the decision as especially men's issues (fruits of a white mulberry help at prostatitis and impotence), and exclusively women's (berries apply at uterine bleedings and to simplification of a menopausal syndrome). The man who had "mumps" in the childhood has a probability of developing of infertility. That similar trouble it did not happen, recommended to feed daily during recovery boys with ripe berries of a mulberry.

Both white, and red, and especially black mulberry – tasty berry which can regale fresh, to use as a stuffing for pastries and vareniki, to do juice, to cook kissels and compotes. The mulberry is preserved, prepared from berries of jam and jams, syrup, a fruit candy and a water-ice. Dried berries pound in powder which then is added to pastries. From mulberry fruits, according to experts, very quite good wine and moonshine turn out.

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Fresh berries can be stored in the refrigerator no more than three days. Therefore the mulberry is unsuitable for transportation. However the advantage of a mulberry after drying and freezing remains almost invariable, in fruits enough vitamins and microelements remains fully to use the prepared berries in the distance from places of growth, and also for prevention and treatment of avitaminosis during the spring and winter period.


The main contraindication to the use of fruits of a mulberry is the individual intolerance. Because of high content of sugars in black berries (about 11%), the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus and obesity should not abuse them.

The mulberry from the trees growing along brisk highways should not be eaten.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.