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Asperger's syndrome

Emotions are what does us by people. We express the feelings a mimicry, gestures, intonation, and, perceiving the same signals, we judge an emotional condition of people around. Children with Asperger's syndrome hardly express emotions and experience difficulties in communication with peers, preferring a small focus of interest and a hobby. It is considered that such famous people as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein had this illness. Further we will tell about treatment and the main symptoms of a syndrome of Asperger.

Asperger's syndrome – symptoms

Asperger's syndrome is the general disturbance of development of which difficulties in social interaction and restriction of an area of interest and occupations with the small stereotypic repertoire are characteristic. Superficially this frustration can resemble autism, but unlike the last abilities to the speech and knowledge remain.

Symptoms of a syndrome of Asperger combine in characteristic "triad":

  • Communication disturbances;
  • Difficulties in cooperation maintenance;
  • Social imagination.

Синдром АспергераDisturbances of communication mean difficulties in understanding of gestures, a mimicry and intonations, the choice of subjects for a conversation. Children with Asperger's syndrome cannot begin and end a conversation, do not understand jokes and metaphors, do not distinguish sense of compound words and phrases though they can use them.

Such children hardly maintain the friendly relations, do not understand ethical standards, often show incorrect behavior and seem closed, indifferent, indifferent and aloof.

As for imagination, such children have it rich and various, however it is quite difficult to show its results to people around. They not always understand the point of view of other people, mistakenly interpret their feelings, actions, thoughts. Characteristic sign of a syndrome of Asperger: role-playing games trouble, but games logical well accustom.

In general the alarm and concern are characteristic of a disease during communication, obsession hobby, aspiration to an order, the unnatural speech, quite often all this is followed by touch disturbances. At identification of these signs it is worth carrying out the test for Asperger's syndrome.

Asperger's syndrome and difficulties in communication

Since the birth and up to three years for the known reasons signs of a syndrome of Asperger are absent, but are shown by the time of socialization. The speech becomes monotonous and weakened, the mimicry – stiffened, a voice – silent and sharp, and a focus of interest is limited to a narrow set of uniform occupations. The active, but short-term attention is characteristic of the child, the look remains devastated.

All these external manifestations leave the mark on the identity of the child. At tender age such child can be excessively quiet or too irritable, experiences difficulties with backfilling and is whimsical in food preferences. When time to attend kindergarten comes, such kids with difficult adapt to collective, do not wish to leave parents and are discharged of other children.

Having a stress at communication, children often are ill and, losing for the period of a disease of communication with peers, become even more aloof. As a result, to school symptoms of a syndrome of Asperger become aggravated.

At school such children often become derelicts, and it is not difficult to understand why so occurs. Without being able to express the emotions, school students with Asperger's syndrome seem to schoolmates inadequate, selfish, stale that is not surprising taking into account that such children badly react to touches of other people, avoid to look to the interlocutor in the face, do not accept others ideas. And though can seem that they do not aim at social contacts at all, such children transfer loneliness hardly.

Features of intelligence

Signs of a syndrome of Asperger prevent socialization, but they do not affect intelligence. On intellectual development such children not only do not lag behind age norm, but also often exceed it. As a rule, memory at them phenomenal, and knowledge of the world really encyclopedic, and still this knowledge is put hardly into practice.

As we already noted, the focus of interest of such children is, as a rule, limited, but thanks to ability to concentrate on trifles in the favourite occupations they try to obtain the stunning progress. Usually they are imposed by such objects as mathematics, philosophy, history, geography.

Children not willingly communicate with Asperger's syndrome, but have no problems with the speech at all. They build grammatical right offers, but say them by a monotonous and unnatural voice, and the speech at the same time can seem too book and sample. However, in writing such children express the thoughts much better, than in a conversation.

Motility and touch features

The pedantry is characteristic of children with Asperger's syndrome – they prefer the arranged life and Rutinums, and any spontaneous interventions in the usual mode only provoke alarm. It can be expressed that the child refuses to try new dishes, painfully reacts to various unexpected irritants – bright light, noise of cars, tactile contacts with other people.

If ordinary children are afraid of the dark, strangers or do not wish to remain one, then at Asperger's syndrome absolutely other phobias, such as fear of wind, rain, sharp sounds, etc. And, nevertheless, the self-preservative instinct and necessary care in potentially dangerous situations are not inherent to such children.

As for motility, at Asperger's syndrome children hardly develop coordination of movements. It is shown at such simple operations as fastening of buttons, setting of laces, for the same reason at them handwriting suffers. In general such children clumsy, they can have a disturbance of gait and a bearing, the stereotypic persuasive movements are observed.

Test for Asperger's syndrome and treatment

Для диагностики заболевания используется тест на сидром АспергераCan seem that signs of a syndrome of Asperger – only result of the wrong education, but actually frustration is connected with certain changes in development of a brain. Refer genetic predisposition, viral infections in the first months of pregnancy to the possible reasons of an illness.

For diagnosis of a disease the test on Asperger's cider developed by psychologists of the Cambridge center for studying of autism and also other neuropsychological researches is used. However, sometimes under results of polls also quite adequate people in the emotional relation get. In addition to the test for Asperger's syndrome methods of observation of the child, questioning of parents and teachers, and also methods of neurologic diagnosis which allow to exclude organic lesion of a brain are applied.

Specific treatment of a syndrome of Asperger does not exist. In mild cases of a deviation are compensated by work of teachers and psychologists. In difficult – neuroleptics, psychostimulants and antidepressants, and also trainings, physiotherapy exercises and occupations with the logopedist are required. As a rule, the child's problems with Asperger's syndrome cannot be solved completely, but growing, he can establish a family and make great progress in areas which will interest him.

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