Main > Diseases> Syndrome of chronic fatigue

Syndrome of chronic fatigue

Симптомы синдрома хронической усталости

The syndrome of chronic fatigue which is also called by "the yuppie's syndrome", "the manager's syndrome" and "sofa plague" – the disease which was allocated in a separate form only in 1988, but by the present moment accepted scope of epidemic which captured a considerable part of the population of big cities. Some doctors are inclined to consider a syndrome of chronic fatigue not an independent disease, but a borderline case between health and a disease. The majority agrees in opinion that as the syndrome of chronic fatigue can last within several years, proving constancy of signs, all this not borderline case, namely the disease demanding adequate therapy. Do not die of a syndrome of chronic fatigue and do not become disabled people, but at people quality of life considerably decreases, and in far come cases there can be a total loss of working capacity. The most active and productive part of the population, woman has this disease more often than men.

Reasons of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

Now it is considered that the main reason of a syndrome of chronic fatigue is the modern way of life, extremely unhealthy for the person, especially far from natural at residents of megalopolises. City dwellers suffer from a syndrome of chronic fatigue in tens of times more often than villagers at whom such disease occurs extremely seldom, literally in isolated cases. At the people doing manual work, the syndrome of chronic fatigue also develops much less than at people whose work is not connected with physical activity. Analyzing a way of life of patients, an udalost to allocate to doctors the following reasons of a syndrome of chronic fatigue:

  • Hypodynamia. As a result of decrease in an exercise stress many times, in comparison with normal, not only the musculoskeletal device suffers. The negative impact appears on cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, and on a metabolism in general.
  • Unbalanced food and hyperphagia. In nature all living beings get to themselves food hardly, and in quantities, necessary for maintenance of life. Modern people have unlimited access to food, and foodstuff on the structure is far from healthy. It is refined, poor in useful substances, but rich with calories and artificial chemical compounds, food. Even large numbers of such food cannot sate an organism, and often starvation as vital substances arrives insufficiently is behind symptoms of a hyperphagia (gluttony).
  • The raised emotional and mental loading. Modern residents of megalopolises, their especially successful part, spends the most part of time in a condition of a stress, without having a rest and without relaxing throughout a long time, sometimes weeks and even months. Gradually it leads to exhaustion of compensatory mechanisms.

Symptoms of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

The syndrome of chronic fatigue has a set of symptoms. This disease can mask under migraines, pharyngitises, arthritises and a great number of others therefore its diagnosis is complicated. Allocate the main (big) and minor (small) symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Two treat big symptoms of chronic fatigue: the fatigue which does not have a certain reason, throughout a long time, not passing even after long rest; and decrease in the mode of a physical activity more than half.

Treat small symptoms:

  • The indispositions of not clear etiology similar on influenzal, feeling of weakness,
  • impossibility to concentrate,
  • general discomfort,
  • headaches,
  • dizzinesses,
  • pharyngalgia,
  • feeling of alarm, zagnannost
  • the stethalgia which is not connected with heart troubles
  • digestive disturbances (syndrome of the angry intestines or chronic locks),
  • arrhythmias,
  • interruptions of arterial pressure,
  • exposure to infectious diseases,
  • irritability,
  • depression,
  • sleep disorders.

Often from patients it is possible to hear such description of a syndrome of chronic fatigue: "Nothing hurts me, and everything at the same time hurts. I was tired, and to me it is bad". A characteristic symptom of a syndrome of chronic fatigue is what even after a dream of people does not recover force, and feels tired at the beginning of day. Also issue during which manifestations can be softened slightly does not help, but not disappear completely.

Diagnosis of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

Diagnosis of a syndrome of chronic fatigue of a disease is extremely complicated by plurality of symptoms and lack of sharp expressiveness of any group. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of the available clinical picture, in the presence of one of big and more than six small symptoms of a syndrome of chronic fatigue.

Treatment of a syndrome of chronic fatigue

Лечение синдрома хронической усталости

The main thing in treatment of a syndrome of chronic fatigue is not medicamentous therapy, though it is applied too, and change of a way of life. Without it any medicines will have only temporary effect, and sooner or later symptoms of a syndrome of chronic fatigue will return again.

Recommendations about change of a way of life for patients with a syndrome of chronic fatigue are made the following:

  • normalization of a day regimen, with enough rest, not less than 8 hours of a dream;
  • individually picked up exercise stresses, it is desirable daily, but not excessive. For example, long walks;
  • normalization of food. A diet taking into account energy costs, with dominance of fresh vegetables and fruit, complex carbohydrates and sour-milk products. Refusal of greasy, fried, smoked food, fast food and sweets;
  • training in the running-down technicians and their use in everyday life.

The good effect at treatment of a syndrome of chronic fatigue gives the acupuncture course helping to remove neuromuscular stress with the same purpose the physical therapy, especially hydrotreatment, ozonotherapy, and also medical massage is applied by one or several courses. If necessary to the patient consultation of the psychotherapist is appointed.

From medicamentous means immunoproofreaders as at a syndrome of chronic fatigue permanent decrease in immunity, and vitamin therapy as fortifying means is noted apply. Also use a symptomatic treatment, depending on displays of a disease: anesthetic at head and muscular pains, cold remedies, soft laxative, etc. Use of the sedative (calming) means is possible, but for the short term as they can cause accustoming, besides, reduce the ability which is already lowered at a syndrome of chronic fatigue to concentrate attention. Purpose of hypnagogues is not recommended, but it is allowed also for the short term as they quickly cause accustoming and do not promote development of the normal mode of activity and rest.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.