Main > Diseases> Scoliosis



The rachiocampsis in this or that party received the name from normal situation scoliosis. Its localization is possible in cervical, chest and lumbar departments. Among all diseases of a backbone scoliosis is the most widespread.

The main danger of scoliosis is covered that it is not just cosmetic defect, but deformation of a rachis that is serious threat to health. Shift of vertebrae, and also the vessels and nerves adjoining to them, leads to disturbance of normal functioning of all systems and bodies. As a result scoliosis promotes development of various diseases, progressing of dorsodynias, restriction of volume of active movements in a backbone and deformation of a thorax.

Among the main reasons causing scoliosis, specialists call genetic predisposition to a growth disorder of bones, muscular and connecting fabrics, and also natural mutation of genes, disorders of the central nervous system and a slow-moving way of life.

Classification of scolioses

Scoliosis – a disease many-sided, at diagnosis specialists are guided by anatomic features, age of the patient, localization and a form of a curvature. Also the reasons capable to provoke a rachiocampsis are considered.

Distinguish scoliosis simple and difficult. In the first case the disease arises practically at once after the birth because of any defects like shortening of an extremity or inflammatory process in fabrics near a backbone. After elimination of the reason which caused a curvature there occurs recovery.

Difficult scoliosis is subdivided in turn on inborn and acquired. In most cases the rachiocampsis appears as a result of hereditary diseases of a connecting or bone tissue, an underdevelopment or deformation of vertebrae, and also after the postponed neuroinfections.

The acquired scoliosis happens at rheumatism, rickets, after paralyzes of various etiology, injuries, extensive burns.

Special danger is represented by so-called school scoliosis when at absolutely healthy child the rachiocampsis in any party because of long sitting behind incorrectly arranged school desk, carrying a bag in the same hand and to that similar actions forms.

By quantity of bends scoliosis happens simple at rachis shift in one party, difficult when several deviations in different directions, and total when there is a lot of curvatures are observed.

Depending on localization distinguish scoliosis of the cervicothoracic, chest, thoracolumbar, lumbar and combined types.

Also distinguish scolioses on time of their emergence. If symptoms of a disease are observed between the first and second year after the birth, then it is about infantile scoliosis. The rachiocampsis which appeared during the period between four and six years of life is called juvenile. The scoliosis which developed at the age of 10-14 years received the name adolestsentny.

Scoliosis degrees

In total there are four degrees of scoliosis:

Неправильная осанка - верный признак сколиоза

The first degree is characterized by the stoop, asymmetry of a waist reduced by shoulders and constantly hung head. In a standing position the curvature of a rachis is almost imperceptible. Scoliosis of 1 degree is defined only at a body tilt forward when the line of one shoulder is slightly overestimated.

At scoliosis 2 degrees are observed insignificant asymmetry of contours of a neck, small lowering of a basin on the party of defeat. The rachiocampsis in a standing position becomes noticeable. At a trunk inclination forward at the 2nd degree of scoliosis protrusion in chest department appears.

The expressed asymmetry of shovels and noticeable curvature of an arch of a backbone are characteristic of the third degree of scoliosis. The thorax is deformed so that some edges sink down, others stick out, the muscular contracture is defined. At an inclination forward at the patient well outlined costal hump is visible.

The most rough deformation of a backbone, prolixity of muscles in a curvature zone, a pronounced costal hump, sticking of edges in the place of concavity are distinguishing characters of the fourth degree of scoliosis.

Treatment of scoliosis

At purpose of treatment at scoliosis the attention to age of the patient, degree of a curvature of a rachis and a kind of a disease is paid. Conservative and surgical approach to a solution practices in modern medicine. Intervention of surgeons is reasonable at the started forms of the third and fourth degrees. Treatment of scoliosis of the first two degrees, and also not complicated forms 3 degrees is carried out in out-patient conditions.

The main objectives at treatment of scoliosis are the aspiration to reduce deformation of a backbone, to straighten a back, to slow down progressing of a disease, to increase the volume of the carried-out movements and to adjust exchange processes.

Гимнастика - основа лечение сколиоза

Emphasis at treatment of scoliosis is placed on individual remedial gymnastics, massage, orthopedic correction, physiotherapeutic procedures and swimming. Exercises at scoliosis are selected so that during the occupations all groups of muscles of a back were involved. As a result the muscular corset thanks to which the rachis keeps in the correct situation will become stronger, the bearing will improve, the state is stabilized, the fortifying effect will be reached.

It is not recommended to carry out at exercise scoliosis, directed to increase in flexibility of a backbone. The physiotherapy exercises are shown at any stages of a disease, but the best result can achieve, carrying out specially picked up exercises at scoliosis of the first two degrees.

Sometimes for disposal of a curvature resort to the help of manual therapists. But specialists warn that manual therapy can be applied only in total with other methods of treatment. Besides at some symptoms of scoliosis of 1 degree or other stages of a disease, for example, of the expressed muscular weakness or big mobility of a backbone, manual influence is contraindicated.

Course of treatment at scoliosis always long, even at early stages. Only after some time it will be possible to tell with confidence that the disease yields the position.

Prevention of scoliosis

The most important rule of prevention – observance of a correct posture. In addition it is necessary to provide at least the minimum level of a physical activity which includes walking, run, swimming and, of course, gymnastics.

For prevention of scoliosis of exercise have to be directed to strengthening of muscles of a back, breast and prelum abdominale. Besides that the correct posture is developed, at scoliosis of 1 degree figure shortcomings improve, there is a skill of possession of the body, blood supply of internals improves and exchange processes are normalized.

At children's and teenage age it is necessary to pay attention to good nutrition and observance of a day regimen. At school and houses the workplace of the child has to correspond to age and growth.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.