Creamy sauce – a product which is capable to impact to a dish a delicate taste, aroma and a special piquancy. Sauce on the basis of cream increases nutritional value and caloric content of dishes, giving to each of them, depending on the ingredients entering a product, an individual flavoring shade.
The main components of classical creamy sauce are cream, butter and flour. Natural cream of animal origin has a gentle consistence and gives to a product pleasant, a little sweetish, but not luscious taste.
Caloric content of creamy sauce makes 468 kcal / 100 product gram. As it is very fat, you should not abuse this product because of the expressed harm for a figure. To the people watching the weight, dietitians recommend to include no more than 1 tablespoon of favourite gas station in the daily menu.
The main biological value of creamy sauce consists in structure of the cream containing phosphatides - the substances similar on structure to fats, excellent, however, existence of the nitrogenous basis and phosphoric acid. These zhiropodobny elements have pronounced antioxidant properties, clearing an organism of slags, toxins, cholesterol, interfering with emergence of deposits on walls of vessels.
There is an opinion that products with the increased content of fat badly are acquired by an organism, however, it does not belong to creamy sauce. The product - in its classical interpretation - is recommended to be included in a diet of the people having digestive tract diseases: gastritises of various acidity, peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum.
The fatty acids which are present at structure of Omega-3 cream positively influence cerebration of the person, playing a key role in formation of structure of brain fabric and transfer of nervous impulses. The shortcoming the Omega-3 of fatty acids in tissues of a brain can become the reason of its functional failure and a delay in intellectual development.
Besides, the advantage of creamy sauce is caused by ability of cream to calm a nervous system, making positive impact on a human body, being in a condition of a depression.
For preparation of classical creamy sauce 200 ml of 20% cream, 1 tablespoon of flour and butter, pepper, salt are required. Flour is fried on a frying pan till golden color then mixes up with butter. The received weight is added to hot cream and properly mixes up that there is no lump left then sauce is carried to boiling and is removed from fire.
Adding various ingredients to the classical recipe of creamy sauce, it is possible to vary its flavoring shades at discretion, having received garlick, cheese, acute or acid smack of a main course.
Creamy sauce with cheese prepares so: 100 g of cheese are rubbed on a large grater, a quarter of a teaspoon muscat or walnut are milled in a mortar. 100 g of butter are kindled on the water bath. After oil became liquid, cheese, 200-250 ml of 20% cream and a half of a glass of a fish or beef-infusion broth are added to it. 2 egg yolks, nut and pepper are entered into the weight which is still on the water bath. Creamy sauce cooks about 5 minutes, without being led up before boiling then acts from fire and falls down the crushed fennel.
Creamy sauce with garlic according to the Italian recipe: several segments of garlic are fried on a frying pan with addition of olive or sunflower oil. Cream is shaken up with egg yolks. Weight is put on fire then the fried garlic and the cheese grated on a small grater are added to mix. Sauce is carried to boiling and is removed from fire when cheese finally melts. Hot gas station falls down greens and moves as seasoning to fish, meat, cutlets, macaroni, some vegetables.
Cheese and garlic are auxiliary components of creamy sauce, however, these ingredients add to a dish a special savor and a saturation.
As well as the majority of other fat products, creamy sauce can negatively affect human health, having obesity, diseases of a liver and atherosclerosis. This product is not recommended to be offered children up to two years, and also to the persons suffering from intolerance of milk proteins.
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