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Councils of nutritionists

As often you spoke to yourself: "I want to lose weight" and what to do was not known? Голодать ни в коем случае нельзя - совет диетологов номер одинThere is a huge number of diets. What to choose from them what most of all will suit you what, on the contrary, it is better to avoid? What to do to lose weight? In this article the most popular councils of nutritionists are brought together how to lose weight, following which you not only you will begin surely, though not so quickly as you would like, to lose weight, but also revitalize the organism.

Undoubtedly, councils of nutritionists adhere to the medical point of view concerning expediency of various techniques of weight loss more. There are many diets in which essentially various mechanisms of weight loss and unique sets of products are used. However not all know that all diets combine basic cunnings and the principles which do process of weight loss by the safest.

Councils of nutritionists: how to lose weight

Council of nutritionists No. 1: it is impossible to starve at all. Many women in the aspiration "I want to lose weight what to do?" begin to starve themselves and reduce the day diet to a handful of boiled vegetables and couple of apples. Undoubtedly, at the initial stage of a diet such approach bears certain fruits, but very soon an organism, suffering an acute shortage of nutrients, begins to stock up with a fat intensively. Besides, on such scanty diet hardly you will be able to sustain a long time, so, the lost weight quickly will be recovered.

And what to do to lose weight? Nutritionists strongly recommend not to refuse favourite products, but to minimize them or at all to replace with less caloric analogs. So, instead of pork fast veal or chicken meat perfectly will approach, instead of rich rolls it is possible to eat toasts with germinated grain, and instead of creamy yogurt – the fat-free fermented milk products.

Council of nutritionists No. 2: the most certain way to lose weight – to observe a daily allowance калораж. This council of nutritionists how to lose weight, is founded that is the cornerstone of any diet the simple principle: energy should spend more, than to consume. All excess calories are laid off in an organism in the form of fatty stocks. Here not only energy value of products, but also their quality is important. Ideally, the day diet has to consist of 50% of carbohydrates, 30% of proteins and 20% of fats. It is worth to remember about vegetables and cereals.

Council of nutritionists No. 3: observe a diet. What to do to lose weight? For a start it is necessary to have breakfast surely densely. Many people owing to various circumstances are limited since morning to a cup of coffee or tea. As a result, later a couple of hours and having brutally got hungry, they eat a much bigger portion of food, than it is necessary for them. Thus, a healthy full-fledged breakfast – a right choice.

One more council of nutritionists how to lose weight, consists in fractional food. Divide the standard daily rate of food into 5-6 receptions. It does not mean at all that every time, sitting down to a table, you have to eat till several portions. For example, between the main meals it is possible to have a bite fruit, vegetables, to drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or to eat a little cottage cheese.

The smallest amount of food has to fall on a dinner. Not without reason popular wisdom says: "give a dinner to the enemy". Undoubtedly, you should not go to bed on a hungry stomach, however try that the last meal was in 3-4 hours prior to a dream. In the evening do not eat heavy greasy food better, and be limited to an easy dinner, for example, fish and vegetables.

Council of nutritionists No. 4: drink a lot of liquid. You should not limit yourself in liquid consumption. Some people quite often confuse feeling of thirst and hunger. Often happens to drink enough the glass of water and feeling of hunger will cease. If you got used to have tea after meal, reconsider this habit. Council of nutritionists – it is not necessary to use liquid right after meal, so fatty stocks of an organism will be spent much more slowly. And here it is useful to drink a glass of water or milk for half an hour to food even: it will dull feeling of hunger therefore you will eat less food.

Council of nutritionists No. 5: set before yourself achievable goals. Do not set the task which to execute it is simply unreal. You perfectly understand that you will manage to throw off for few weeks of 20 kilograms hardly, only to yourself will get a depression and will be disappointed besides. You should not run also every day to scales for weighing, even the minimum fluctuations of weight in the big party are capable to spoil mood for the whole day. The optimal solution will rise on scales once a week.Пейте много жидкости - еще один действенный совет диетологов

As you can see, councils of nutritionists how to lose weight and observe the principles of healthy nutrition, are quite simple and easily feasible.

Broke from a diet: what to do?

With a question: "I want to lose weight what to do?" nutritionists understood. And how to be with a question: "broke from a diet what to do?". Councils of nutritionists are ready to help you also here:

  • Objectively assess damages. If you ate only one chocolate bar, then nothing terrible occurred. Safely forget about it and continue to keep to a diet further.
  • You should not throw a diet after the first failure. Nevertheless, do not cost itself and to deceive. Perhaps you revaluated the forces, or you do not have enough character, or you chose too rigid diet? That not was failure council of nutritionists is simple: try to do to yourself at least once in week of an indulgence and "days off" from a diet, but reasonably.
  • Do not forget about physical trainings. You torment yourself with a question: "broke from a diet what to do?". Everything is very simple: those calories which you nayet during failure can be burned physical exercises. But you should not exhaust yourself also.
  • A large number of fruit and vegetables will help to normalize digestion after failure. Thanks to the content of cellulose, they will quickly clean your intestines and will recover a metabolism. Besides, sweet fruit are fine substitute of sweets.
  • Motivation. Remember for the sake of what you decided to go on a diet. Imagine what already absolutely slightly remained to you, and you will achieve the treasured objective. Therefore you should not give up at all.
Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.