Application instruction:
Sweeteners in 1879 for the first time were invented by the Russian chemist emigrant Falberg. The saccharin synthesized by him was used at a lack of sugar in military years.
All sweeteners are divided into two groups – synthetic and natural. Carry sorbite, a stevia, fructose to natural substitutes of sugar. They sate with energy a human body and at the same time are completely acquired. Natural sweeteners are safe, but are caloric. As synthetic substitutes of sugar are considered cyclomate, to potassium atsesulfa, saccharin, aspartame and sukrazit. Sukrazit – one of the most popular sweeteners.
Saccharin – Sukrazit's basis. Fumaric acid and baking soda also is Sukrazit's part. One tablet of sweetener contains 42 mg of baking soda (56,8%), 20 mg of saccharin of sodium (27,7%), 12 mg of fumaric acid.
In many responses it is said that this substitute of sugar is applied at dietary food and at a diabetes mellitus. The World Health Organization (WHO) established admissible doses of sweeteners at which from them there will be no harm to health of the person. So, the daily dose of saccharin has to make no more than 2,5 mg/kg of body weight. And the daily dose of Sukrazit, according to the instruction, makes about 0,7 grams. One tablet of Sukrazit equals to one teaspoon of granulated sugar.
Obvious advantage of this substitute in its low caloric content. There is no obvious harm from Sukrazit. It is harmful only at the use in large numbers as it is not acquired by an organism. There are hypotheses of content in saccharin, Sukrazit's basis, carcinogens. In the certain countries the use of saccharin is forbidden (for example, in Canada).
In reviews of Sukrazita it is said that one pack of this product replaces six kilograms of sugar. As a part of Sukrazit there are no cancerogenic cyclomates, however fumaric acid somewhat too is toxic.
In the instruction it is told that this product термоустойчив. It perfectly is suitable for preparation of various dishes, compotes. Dishes with this sweetener can be boiled and frozen.
Nutritionists advise at the excess weight to use artificial substitutes of sugar in tablets instead of usual sugar. However it is worth to remember that sweeteners increase appetite. In some reviews of Sukrazita it is said that the regular use of this product is followed by emergence of constant feeling of hunger.
In the instruction to this sweetener it is specified that it cannot be used at pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
According to the instruction, Sukrazit should be stored in the place protected from a sunlight. Storage temperature – is not above 25 °C. A period of storage – three years.
Name of drug
Sukrazit (sugar substitute) тбл No. 300, Biscol
100 rub.
Sukrazit (sugar substitute) тбл No. 500, Biscol
211 rub.
Sukrazit (sugar substitute) тбл No. 700, Biscol
222 rub.
Sukrazit (sugar substitute) тбл No. 1200, Biscol
289 rub.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
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