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Tazepamum – anxiolytic means for treatment of neurosises.Формула Тазепама

Pharmacological action of Tazepamum

Tazepamum is carried to group of synthetic tranquilizers of a benzodiazepine row. They possess the calming action and are applied to elimination of alarming symptomatology of not psychotic character. More precisely action of Tazepamum can be characterized as anxiolytic (anti-neurotic) - it eliminates fears and the general uneasiness, practically without causing drowsiness. Thanks to it drug acquired the status of "a day tranquilizer"

The main active ingredient of Tazepamum according to the instruction – oxazepam. Its pharmacological action is carried out by interaction with benzodiazepine receptors which are closely tied with GAMK-receptors in a brain. GAMK (piperidic acid) in nervous synapses carries out a role of brake substance. Excitement of benzodiazepine receptors at connection them with oxazepam automatically excites GAMK-receptors, in nervous synapses the brake mediator of GAMK thanks to what processes of braking at all levels of the central nervous system, but especially in the subcrustal formations of a brain responsible for an emotional state amplify collects (limbic system, a reticular formation and others).

As Tazepamum is capable to affect different structures in a brain, it, respectively, has the versatile effect – calming myorelaxation (relaxes muscles), anticonvulsant, antialarming (reduces emotional pressure).

Sedation is expressed at use of Tazepamum slightly, and connected with braking in a reticular formation of a trunk of a brain. As a result of such braking influence of the emotional, motor and vegetative irritants capable to break the backfilling mechanism decreases.

Muscular relaxation is reached by oppression of spinal reflexes (the central braking), and somewhat by direct impact on motive nervous trunks and functions of muscles.

Tazepamum practically does not influence productive symptomatology of psychotic frustration (nonsense, hallucinations).

At use of Tazepamum inside it is soaked up more slowly concerning the analogs, but in a liver active metabolites which have still big anxiolytic effect, than Tazepamum are quickly formed. Therefore the maximum effect develops not right after reception, and later a short period.

Tazepamum and its metabolites with urine is brought out of an organism.

Release form

Drug is produced in tablets on 10 mg.

Indications to use of Tazepamum

According to the instruction Tazepamum is applied at neurosises and neurosis-like states with vegetative frustration, sleep disorders, irritability. Such symptoms can accompany somatopathies. According to reviews Tazepamum well helps with complex treatment of situational depressions, an abstinence syndrome and vegetative insufficiency.


It is impossible to use the drug Tazepamum at hypersensitivity to it, at a heavy depression, narcotic poisoning, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in heavy degree, in 1 trimester of pregnancy (teratogenic action on a fruit) and during feeding by a breast, at children up to 6 years, at a myasthenia, closed-angle glaucoma. With extra care drug is used at a renal and liver failure, tendency to abuse of psychoactive drugs, at advanced and children's age from 6 to 12 years, at organic diseases of TsNS, a night apnoea.

Application instruction of Tazepamum

Таблетки ТазепамDrug is intended for intake, its efficiency does not depend on meal. A course of treatment the doctor, on average chooses its duration – 2 – 4 weeks, with a gradual dose decline at the end to avoid a withdrawal. During treatment alcohol intake is prohibited.

The initial dose of Tazepamum makes 5 – 10 mg on reception 2 – 3 times a day, gradually it is brought to 30 – 50 mg/days. In serious conditions the maximum dose to 120 mg/days, but only in the conditions of hospitalization. At such doses it is important to control risk of development of medicinal dependence, as soon as possible reducing a dose. For elderly people the dose needs to be reduced. According to reviews Tazepamum at constant use it shortly before childbirth can cause physical dependence and a withdrawal in the baby.

Side effect

Tazepamum is transferred better in comparison with other tranquilizers. But nevertheless during treatment it can cause many unpleasant symptoms – drowsiness, a headache, instability of attention, nausea, vomiting, a lock or diarrhea, disturbances in work of kidneys, a dysmenorrhea, a myasthenia, a dysarthtia, and also disturbances generally and biochemical blood tests.

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