Main > Medical terms> Affect of II

Affect of II

Affect of II – in psychiatry strong and short-term, negative or positive emotion which arises in response to influence of external or internal factors and is followed by somatovegetativny manifestations; in certain cases the term is applied at emotion designation in general.

Allocate the following types of affects:

  • Asthenic – quickly exhausted affect which is followed by decrease in mental activity, a vital tone and health, and also oppressed mood;
  • Congestive – a condition of the amplifying concern and the emotional tension which are not receiving a normal discharge in acts and reactions;
  • Inadequate – the affect contradicting or inappropriate to the maintenance of a situation or experience;
  • Sthenic – is characterized by increase in mental activity, a vital tone and health, feeling of own force;
  • Physiological – the expressed affect, for example, joy or anger which is not followed by stupefaction, amnesia and avtomatizm.
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