Main > Medical terms> Arteritis is giant-cell

Arteritis is giant-cell

Arteritis giant-cell (arteriitis gigantocellularis; synonyms: arteritis is cranial, arteritis temporal, arteritis granulematozny, arteritis temporal, a mesarteritis giant-cell granulematozny, Horton-Magata-Brown a syndrome, a mesarteritis generalized granulematozny) – the chronic disease having not clear etiology; it is characterized granulematozny and dystrophic - necrotic changes of an average cover of arteries of the mixed type, most often – head arteries, with existence of huge multinucleate cells in granulomas; it can be shown by nape and temples pains, vision disorders (up to a blindness), development of anemia, emaciation, fatigue.

Whether you know that:

The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.