Main > Medical terms> Astrocytoma


Astrocytoma (astrocytoma; lat. astrum, Greek astron – a star, star-shaped + a gist. cytus – a cell + Greek Uma – оконч. in the name of tumors) – the glial tumor coming from astrocytes.

Allocate the following types of astrocytomas:

  • Atipicheskaya (atypicum; synonyms: the astrocytoma is anaplastic, an astrocytoma heterotypical, an astrocytoma malignant, an astrocytoma dedifferentiation, the astrocytoma malignizirovanny) – is characterized by zlokachestvennost signs (a cellular atipizm, rapid growth, etc.);
  • Macrocellular (gigantocellulare; synonym: the astrocytoma tuchnokletochny) – is more often an atipichesky astrocytoma which is preferential constructed of hypertrophied astrocytes;
  • Small-celled (parvocellulare) – consists of tumor cells of the small size;
  • Piloidny (piloideum; lat. pilus – a hair + Greek - eides – similar; synonym: the astrocytoma trichoid) – is characterized by existence in it of the bunches of the glial fibers reminding hair by outward located in parallel;
  • Polymorphocellular (polymorphocellulare) – an atipichesky astrocytoma, is characterized by considerable polymorphism of cells;
  • Protoplasmatic (protoplasmaticum; synonym: the astrocytoma plasmatic) – comes, mainly, from plasmatic astrocytes;
  • Subependimalny (subependymale; lat. the sub-prefix – under + Greek ependyma – outerwear; synonyms: a subependymoma, an astrocytoma subependimalny glomerular) – a fibrillar astrocytoma; comes from a glia, adjacent to an ependyma; it is characterized by existence of "islands" (small accumulations) of tumor cells;
  • Fibrillar (fibrillare) – comes, mainly, from fibrous astrocytes;
  • Fibrillar and protoplasmatic (fibrillare protoplasmaticum) – comes from plasmatic and fibrous astrocytes.
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