Main > Medical terms> Heart block

Heart block

Heart block (heart block; English blockade, fr. bloquer – to block, bar the way) – the state which is characterized by disturbance of conductivity of the electric impulses generated by a natural pacemaker of heart (a sinus and atrial node) that is the reason of disturbances of ability of heart to pump over blood. At an incomplete heart block (incomplete heart block) or partial (partial) impulses between auricles and ventricles on a ventriculonector [a heart block of the first degree (first degree heart block)] pass with delay; at a heart block of the second degree (second degree heart block) some impulses from auricles in ventricles do not pass at all. The heart block of the third degree (third degree) or a total block of heart (complete heart block) differs in total absence of passing of impulses from auricles in ventricles that leads to the beginning of reductions of the last with a slow speed own, inherent to them – 20-40 beats per minute. The heart block can be inborn or developed owing to various heart diseases which treat myocarditis, a myocardial infarction, defeat of valves of heart, a cardiomyopathy and others. In many cases its emergence is a consequence of degenerative Cicatricial chronic changes in the carrying-out system of heart at elderly people. Asymptomatic course of a heart block is quite often noted, but at sharp delay of heart rate and pulse at the patient development of a syndrome of Adams-Stokes or heart failure is possible. Elimination of symptoms of a disease can be carried out by means of use of an artificial pacemaker of heart.

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