Main > Medical terms> Bronkhoskopiya


Bronkhoskopiya (broncho-(bronkho-); Greek bronchos – a windpipe; the prefix designating communication with bronchial tubes + Greek skopeo – to consider, observe; synonym: a trakheobronkhoskopiya) – the carrying out a research of the lower respiratory tracts based on survey by means of the bronchoscope of an internal surface of bronchial tubes and a trachea; at a bronkhoskopiya carry out also removal of new growths or a biopsy, removal of a bronchial secret and foreign bodys, local influence by medicines and so on.


  • Bronkhoskopiya upper – at which a tube of the bronchoscope is entered through a throat, a throat and a mouth;
  • Bronkhoskopiya lower – at which a tube of the bronchoscope is entered at persons with earlier imposed tracheostoma directly into a trachea.
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