Gaab reflex (Swiss ophthalmologist O. of Haab, 1850-1931; synonym: a reflex cortical visual) – one of physiological reflexes which is shown in the form of narrowing of a pupil in the dark room at visualization of a light source.
The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.
What woman does not dream of a beautiful and thick hair? So far physicians developed difficult schemes on hair transplant, in the bet industry...
Section: Articles about healthHousehold skills which to us so diligently imparted in the childhood it appears, not always bring only benefit. According to results of the last researches, some habits which for a long time were considered useful and even necessary can become...
Section: Articles about healthWork of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown when the person sleeps. Let's tell about some of them....
Section: Articles about healthReactive pancreatitis - the disease which is characterized by inflammatory process in a pancreas which arises more often everything...
Section: Articles about healthSmall appetite at the child – the complaint which pediatricians should hear practically from each mother. Most often it is carried to the category of children's whims, however the refusal of food in certain cases can be to alarming symptoms therefore it cannot be ignored....
Section: Articles about healthNightmares belong to the most unpleasant frustration. Statistically, they happen at 4% of adults, and almost at 70% of children and teenagers. During a nightmare of people dreams himself in extremely difficult, life-threatening situation. He wakens suddenly, in a condition of a fright, and, as a rule, remembers the dream distinctly. The feeling of depression and alarm does not release throughout the day, creating hindrances for work and normal communication. If such episodes repeat often, can р...
Section: Articles about healthIt is impossible to imagine human life in which there would be no plants. Practically in each apartment and any of productions...
Section: Articles about healthIt is pleasant to state a possibility of improvement of quality of life of people with problems of functioning of secretory system. Efforts of talented inventors created products which will be able to provide normal life activity of clients with moderate degree for...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it receive only useful substances, necessary vitamins and microelements. In this case there will be no problems with digestion, with excess weight, and intellectual and physical activity will remain at the high level....
Section: Articles about healthThe naturopathy sometimes moves as the new direction of medicine, something like fashionable hobby, and there is nothing farther from the truth....
Section: Articles about healthAbout 20% of the population of our planet have a hypertension (permanent increase in arterial pressure). This disease has an adverse effect on the standard of living, reduces working capacity, and in the absence of systematic treatment threatens with such complications as a heart attack...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years there are very persistent delusions connected with this question. Let's consider the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthSome people consider what for medicine of the 21st century of secrets in the field of health of the person almost does not exist. It absolutely not so. Than Bol...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. These are the small blood-sicking insects living in the considerable territory of our country. The person bitten by a tick can catch...
Section: Articles about healthBathing in broths of medical flowers and plants (phytobathtub) was eurysynusic since Cleopatra who is a good judge in all that concerns beauty and health. And today phytobathtubs is the simple and available means allowing not only to remove nervous tension, but also to recover from many diseases. Grass bathtubs at treatment of cold, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, skin diseases, and also diseases of urinary tract and vessels are especially effective....
Section: Articles about healthDeciding to get rid of an addiction, not all imagine what effects it is necessary to face. Process of refusal from ку...
Section: Articles about healthOn health of the person physicians know about salutary action of animals long ago. About 7 thousand years ago great Hippocrates recommended to the patients riding walks for strengthening of a nervous system and increase in vitality....
Section: Articles about healthThe summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather. Even flu epidemics and a SARS were recorded....
Section: Articles about healthSince the moment when the child becomes a school student, his sight begins to be exposed to the strengthened loadings which are supplemented viewing...
Section: Articles about healthYou heard that laughter prolongs life? Researchers did not manage to establish longevity direct link with sincere fun yet, but several facts confirming beneficial influence of risibility on the state of health are clinically proved....
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say whether so it actually because too often people are treated for nonexistent diseases, and sometimes call a disease what is something another. Sometimes in it the doctors of old school making diagnoses which are cancelled long ago – medicine still unless are guilty...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of the panic attack is known long ago, but the reasons of its emergence still are up to the end not found out. It is established that more than 30% of people at least once in life become the victims of very unpleasant phenomenon: without everyones on that the reasons they have a feeling of horror, with...
Section: Articles about healthYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You unambiguously are a potential target for prostatitis. It is not necessary to panic, it is necessary to work....
Section: Articles about healthLife does not indulge the modern woman special emotional comfort and carelessness. Fatigue, troubles at work, misunderstanding...
Section: Articles about healthWhat they, women? Beautiful, gentle, passionate and at the same time windy, gusty, and nervous. And what is stranger: have all these qualities of the woman at the same time. But here only the mood their time sharply changes on completely opposite: in the morning...
Section: Articles about healthAny person who faced a disease knows that treatment costs expensive. It belongs also to consultations of qualified specialists, and to the diagnostic procedures which are not included in the list of obligatory medical services. The question of cost of medicines is not so unambiguous: almost each drug is produced several producers at once, and the price of medicine can differ many times. In such situation there is a sense to understand in what differ from each other original environments...
Section: Articles about health