The gas-lift – spouting mineral is high - gas-sated (in particular thermal) waters because of education in the canal or the well of a natural source of gas-water mix.
The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.
Some people consider what for medicine of the 21st century of secrets in the field of health of the person almost does not exist. It absolutely not so. Than Bol...
Section: Articles about healthIs told about advantage of domestic animals for development of the child much. But many parents nevertheless do not hurry to bring pets as are afraid that they can do harm to health of children. What troubles can really trap kids and how to make with...
Section: Articles about healthLife expectancy in various regions of Earth is not identical. Social stability, economic wellbeing, availability and level of medical care, household comfort, literacy of the population in the field of respect for sanitary and hygienic norms and many other factors exert impact on it. However one parameter remains to the general almost for all countries of the world: women on average live for 7-10 years longer, than men. Today we will talk about the reasons of this phenomenon....
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding of that the use of strong...
Section: Articles about healthTo look healthy and means well-groomed not only to be pleasant to people around, but also to feel strong, sure and taken place. Specialists in the field of cosmetology quite often note that whether not all women are able to look after skin...
Section: Articles about healthVery often as a source of the infection which caused a disease serves our house - the place which a priori has to be safe. However disease-producing bacteria can perfectly feel not only in insanitary conditions, but also in our apartment if not to carry out due care of favourite places of their dwelling. What they − sources of their reproduction? Let's consider 10 most widespread places in our house, the most dangerous from the point of view of infection with microorganisms....
Section: Articles about healthThey say that to ensure health and longevity of people it is obliged. Really, at competent approach to these questions, we will pass...
Section: Articles about healthSummer in the heat. Many are going to spend vacation abroad. Travelers the tender seas, rest on beaches wait, for sightseeing, campaigns on natural and cultural reserves. But, unfortunately, on vacation also problems about health can wait for us...
Section: Articles about healthSeparate food - the system of meal based on digestion physiology which is carried to improvement methods. According to nutritionists, the separate use of the carbohydrate and proteinaceous products demanding different conditions of assimilation helps to get rid of diseases of digestive tract and serves as prophylactic from a diabetes mellitus, arthritis, food allergies, cholelithiasis and many other frustration. The essence of salutary effect of a method consists in most Kacha...
Section: Articles about healthCondition of lips (their morbidity, outward) – one of indicators of health of the person. Peeling, dryness, pallor, and also трещ...
Section: Articles about healthFeeding by a breast - the integral part of ideal motherhood allowing to come into contact with the kid and to create to it healthy immunity since early years. Nevertheless, this important process in life of mother and child can be saddened laktostazy − by a delay of milts...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only at the first stage of equipment by these useful devices. Today practically in each house there is a computer (and often not one), and a regular user is already every our second compatriot. Convenience and efficiency of personal computers are undoubted, but the people working with them daily have to know also about health hazard which they can predstavlit...
Section: Articles about healthWhat woman does not dream of a beautiful and thick hair? So far physicians developed difficult schemes on hair transplant, in the bet industry...
Section: Articles about healthHealthy lifestyle today in fashion, and many parents think of that the child from the early childhood played sports. Trainings will help it to become strong and hardy, will improve coordination of movements, and also will exert positive impact on mentality: it...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary for it at present. Eating according to them, the woman will be able to feel vigorous and strong, and also to adapt to changes in an organism so that they allowed it to lead active lifestyle at any age....
Section: Articles about healthSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is a source з...
Section: Articles about healthLet's begin with the fact that a separate illness which is called "adjournment of salts", just does not exist. In practice this household name of disbolism leading to development of a number of diseases. Pathological process consists that in an organism проис...
Section: Articles about healthThe summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather. Even flu epidemics and a SARS were recorded....
Section: Articles about healthTuberculosis – a serious infectious disease which development is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacilli). The illness is known from a deep d...
Section: Articles about healthNeurosis is called pathology of a nervous system at which deviations in functioning of the highest nervous processes are observed. Most often - owing to yet not strengthened mentality - children are subject to neurosises. Premises to emergence of such disturbances can become нез...
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out....
Section: Articles about healthThe brain of the person is studied not one hundred years, but the quantity of the riddles connected with this body increases rather, than reducing...
Section: Articles about healthMore than a half of the married couples which faced prostatitis – leave. The new broadcast "Female View of Prostatitis" will help to learn – whether you have or your relatives problems....
Section: Articles about healthAll got used long ago that, having addressed the plastic surgeon, it is possible to modify natural parameters of a figure or to minimize the damages put to appearance with ruthless time. Many people (preferential women) worldwide annually decide on operations such. However there are also much more exotic interventions which are carried out seldom so far and cost expensive very much. We bring the story about the most unusual of them to your attention....
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthEach of us faces from time to time that other people need the immediate help. We react to it differently: one at once call doctors and police, others rush to victims and try to save them independently. Some at all...
Section: Articles about healthObesity is called a disease of 21 centuries, for the last 100 years the number of the people suffering from excess body weight considerably increased. Statistically, on Earth already about 1,5 billion corpulent people, and 500 million from them have the extreme degree of completeness negatively affecting quality and duration of their life. What served as the reason of growth of stout persons on the planet? How not to get to their ranks? Let's consider five main premises for increase in body weight in conditions современнос...
Section: Articles about health