Geyneke-Mikulich pyloroplasty (W. N of Heineke, German surgeon, 1834-1901; J. Mikulicz-Radecki, German surgeon, 1850-1905; pyloroplastica, annate. pylorus – a pylorus + Greek plastike – a sculpture, a molding; synonym: Mikulich a pyloroplasty) – the surgery on a section of a sphincter of the gatekeeper performed without opening of a mucous membrane with further sewing together of a serous cover in the perpendicular direction of the line of a section; it is carried out at a pyloric stenosis.
Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.
Work of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown in...
Section: Articles about healthThe list of stereotypes of which, apparently, all know strongly includes following: British surely eat porridge for breakfast. Perhaps, not all modern residents of Britain arrive quite so, but for those from them which continue to follow this t...
Section: Articles about healthAntibiotics - - it is possible to call the chemical compounds suppressing growth of bacteria the break in the field of medicine which allowed to save mankind from many diseases incurable earlier: tuberculosis, plague, syphilis and many others. The contribution of drugs to rescue of people from epidemics of dangerous infections is huge, however at careless use antibiotics are capable to cause to an organism serious damage. Negative action can be shown in the form of easing of immunity, disturbance of balance of microflora in кишеч...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, and put that...
Section: Articles about healthCoffee – favourite drink of many. For the last decades it more than once already declared very harmful, extremely useful and even necessary for normal life activity. In spite of the fact that this product became for us usual for a long time, exists much...
Section: Articles about healthOsteoporosis this general disease which main sign is decrease in density of a bone tissue. On distribution width it takes the fourth place among noninfectious diseases. The illness develops at mature age more often: in our country about a third of women and a quarter of men suffers from it 50 years are more senior....
Section: Articles about healthSeason of activity of viral infections in the heat. Everyone can get sick, but probability of this unpleasant event it is possible and it is necessary miny...
Section: Articles about healthScientists always aimed to offer fundamental explanations for medical problems. Their theories formed the basis of modern methods of treatment of the hardest pathologies and helped to save a set of lives. However stories are known also such theoretical constructions, following to...
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out....
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only on перв...
Section: Articles about healthSugar - the digestible refined product which is not of special value for an organism of the modern person. The use of sugar in food is based rather on the psychological dependence caused by desire to indulge itself with something tasty, and in дальнейш...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthThe unpleasant feelings connected with spring breakdown are familiar almost to each of us. Often happens that in March-April on the person...
Section: Articles about healthYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You one...
Section: Articles about healthEach person supports all life a SARS about 200 times. The peak of incidence falls on cold season, but it is possible to get sick with a temperature and a pharyngalgia, and sometimes and very possibly, even during a heat. The reasons for development of catarrhal diseases there is a set: from the weakened immunity till an excess portion of ice cream....
Section: Articles about healthWithin several decades of our compatriots convinced that the use of butter nasty affects on...
Section: Articles about healthThe word "onikhokriptoz" is unfamiliar to most of people, meanwhile quite so physicians call very widespread problem: the growing of edge of a nail into surrounding fabrics causing inflammatory process. Usually the illness affects thumbs of legs, and is followed покр...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, pathologies of a thyroid gland in the world more than 500 million people have. Failures in work of this body lead to heavy disbolism, development of heart diseases, vessels, a reproductive and nervous system. In hard cases excess or insufficient production of the main hormones of a thyroid gland (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) leads to essential decline in quality of life and disability....
Section: Articles about healthThe metabolism at each person proceeds in own way. However dependence between the speed of this process and disposal from superfluous in...
Section: Articles about healthAging — natural and inevitable process. Over time our skin loses elasticity, on it saggings are formed, the face form loses former clearness. The procedure of nitevy lifting (nitevy tightening) can successfully solve this problem. In order that it is better познако...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. Wide circulation of these illnesses is extremely promoted by the dual attitude towards them: on the one hand, most of people know about "shameful" diseases very little and do not aim at receiving detailed and reliable information, considering that such problems personally will never concern them. With another – there are delusions about STD which instill unreasonable confidence that troubles such...
Section: Articles about healthBulimia and anorexia, are heavy deviations of a feeding behavior, become a cause of death of patients much more often than all others...
Section: Articles about healthThe sclera and mucous membrane of an eye are intensively supplied with blood vessels which problem - to saturate nervous tissues of body with nutrients and oxygen. In a normality vessels are almost not noticeable, however at their expansion (owing to истонч...
Section: Articles about healthThe stroke is one of the most widespread diseases of the person, annually in the world about 6 million cases of this pathology are registered. According to medical statistics, strokes occur almost three times more often than myocardial infarctions. The disease belongs to heavy, and has an unfavourable result: the lethality reaches 40% among women and 25% among men. A considerable part of the patients who endured a stroke cannot be recovered completely. We suggest readers to examine...
Section: Articles about healthStroke (acute disorder of cerebral circulation) – one of the most widespread neurologic diseases. Annually in the world...
Section: Articles about healthResidents of big cities quite often have a disease which is known as the syndrome of chronic fatigue (SCF) today. This illness affects the people belonging to various social and demographic groups and living on all continents. Most of all SHU to a podverzha...
Section: Articles about healthSooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair by means of coloring, or considerably changing it for the purpose of creation of absolutely new image. All know that the gray hair is a sign of the coming old age, so, it is necessary to get rid of it....
Section: Articles about health