Haler test (J. F. Heller, the Austrian doctor, 1813-1871) – the way of identification of protein in urine which is based on its sedimentation by solution of nitric acid with formation on border of two liquids of a muddy white layer.
Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.
The modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm здо...
Section: Articles about healthSeason of activity of viral infections in the heat. Everyone can get sick, but probability of this unpleasant event it is possible and it is necessary to minimize. There is a number of rules, following to which will help or to avoid absolutely infection with flu or a SARS, or to have an illness...
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Whether really it is possible for one and all people and it is necessary to run to receive the portion of health, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood?...
Section: Articles about healthEKO, or extracorporal fertilization - a method of treatment of infertility which became the reason of a set broken mines in due time...
Section: Articles about health80% of women at least once to lives complained of discomfortable feelings to breasts, consolidations and nagrubaniye. These are mastopathy symptoms. The mastopathy is characterized by change of a ratio between ferruterous and connective tissue tissues of mammary glands. It can bring...
Section: Articles about healthSome people consider what for medicine of the 21st century of secrets in the field of health of the person almost does not exist. It absolutely not so. The more answers scientists receive, the more the most difficult questions are raised for them by life. Besides, there are diseases which are not explained with science in any way of which existence people know for 100-150 years. These diseases meet not so often, but from some of them nobody is insured....
Section: Articles about healthThe words "disease" and "patient" not without reason come from one root – "pain". As a rule, symptoms of illnesses thoroughly spoil the patient...
Section: Articles about healthA little more than a century ago goat milk was a traditional food stuff of most of Russians. Unfortunately, today on tables of our compatriots it appears extremely seldom. The reason that the use of so useful product practically descended on...
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice from 40th years of the last century. Originally antibiotics were called only substances natural (animal, vegetable or microbic) origins, but over time this concept extended, and it includes also semi-synthetic and completely artificial antibacterial drugs....
Section: Articles about healthHistory of cultivation of a buckwheat contains more than five thousand years. Grain which is received from this plant is used for пригото...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern child is extremely active and difficult. Information strain which is experienced by the school student and did not dream pupils of last times. Careful parents, wishing well to the children, will organize a set of additional classes in circles, sports...
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used its seeds in food: small, but very nutritious kernels, in a form the reminding fasolina. Indians knew about useful properties of seeds of a chia, and applied them to maintenance of vitality and increase in endurance before serious exercise stresses....
Section: Articles about healthWater with a lemon - idle time in preparation drink which supporters of a healthy lifestyle already managed to appreciate. Upo...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and престар...
Section: Articles about healthSmack in a mouth can arise in the natural way – as a result of lack of morning hygiene or reception of the corresponding food. However in certain cases its existence is a sign of certain pathologies, and allows to reveal an illness at an early stage. Depending on character of aftertaste – acid, salty, bitter, sweet – distinguish also diseases which accompany it....
Section: Articles about healthWomen quite often suffer from complexes concerning the sizes of the bust. Strangely enough, reason душевног...
Section: Articles about healthFor the person who daily since morning gathers for work it is very important to wake up vigorous and ready by day of work. Actually, each of us experiences difficulties with this, at first sight, simple business from time to time. On a condition of an organism after ночн...
Section: Articles about healthSummer in the heat. Many are going to spend vacation abroad. Travelers the tender seas, rest on beaches wait, for sightseeing, campaigns on natural and cultural reserves. But, unfortunately, on vacation also problems with health can wait for us. On a foreign trip it is possible to face also diseases which not only will spoil long-awaited issue, but also will force to be treated within long months after its termination. To be insured completely from troubles of it a sort...
Section: Articles about healthNightmares belong to the most unpleasant frustration. Statistically, they happen at 4% of adults, and almost at 70% of children and...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, at the address to doctors seven of each ten patients complain of a headache. Actually it is much more people who are periodically feeling unpleasant feelings such. Many people, apart from a headache the reason for serious fear...
Section: Articles about healthBulimia and anorexia, are heavy deviations of a feeding behavior, become a cause of death of patients much more often than all other nervous breakdowns combined. In 60% of cases two illnesses accompany each other: patients feel horror before danger of set of excess weight and try to refuse as often as possible food, but periodically suffer from attacks of sudden hunger and an uncontrollable overeating. Each patient with anorexia and bulimia needs the help qualified пс...
Section: Articles about healthLife does not indulge the modern woman special emotional comfort and carelessness. Fatigue, troubles at work, misunderstanding...
Section: Articles about healthThe cosmetics intended for improvement of a condition of skin, nails and hair are used by each woman. Expenses on regular acquisition of the fashionable widely advertized products of well-known companies for many become very notable and significantly to an obrema...
Section: Articles about healthThe pine is one of the most widespread plants of our woods. Its needles and pitch not without reason called by "gallipot" were since ancient times used for strengthening of protective forces of an organism, treatment of avitaminosis, anemia and many other diseases. In recent years wide popularity was gained by the national medicines prepared from pinecones. "Fruits" of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active agents, antioxidants, phytoncides and other useful to...
Section: Articles about healthAbility of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure...
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease which, owing to some features of a structure of bodies of urinogenital system, women have approximately four times more often than men. In the main risk group...
Section: Articles about healthCold – a state known to everyone which is followed by cold, cough, high temperature, a pharyngalgia. Often the first that we begin to do in hope again to become healthy – to accept medicines which are not always harmless whereas it is easy to facilitate displays of a disease by means of natural means. They not only softly eliminate disease symptoms, but also enrich the weakened organism with useful substances. We present you 8 drinks which are successfully used for...
Section: Articles about health