Main > Medical terms> Genetics


Genetics (Greek genetikos – belonging to an origin, the birth) – the science which is engaged in studying of patterns of variability and heredity of organisms.

Types of genetics:

  • biochemical – the field of genetics studying mechanisms of genetic control of biochemical processes;
  • blood groups – the field of genetics studying patterns of variability and heredity of uniform elements of blood, antigens of serum and serumal antibodies;
  • immunity (synonym: an immunogenetics) – the section of immunology which is engaged in studying of genetic conditionality of factors of immunity, inheritance of fabric antigens, an intraspecific variety, a tissue incompatibility, population and genetic aspects of relationship macro - and microorganisms;
  • space – the field of genetics investigating influence on heredity of factors of space;
  • medical – the department of genetics which is engaged in studying hereditarily of the caused functional and morphological disturbances in ontogenesis of the person, patterns of their inheritance, distribution and phenotypical implementation, and also developing ways of prevention, treatment and diagnosis of these disturbances;
  • molecular – the field of genetics investigating hereditary determination of biological functions at molecular level;
  • population – the field of genetics studying genotypic structure of populations and pattern of their change in space and in time;
  • psychopharmacological – the department of a pharmacogenetics which is engaged in studying hereditarily of the caused susceptibility of the person to psychotropic substances;
  • radiation – the field of genetics investigating impact on heredity of ionizing radiation;
  • development (synonym: genetics physiological) – the field of genetics investigating patterns of implementation in ontogenesis of genetic information;
  • evolutionary – the department of genetics studying a role of hereditary variability and mechanisms of heredity in the course of speciation.
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