Main > Food stuffs> Tilapia


Tilapia call a genus of the fishes of family of Tsikhlida living in tropical fresh reservoirs. If earlier the sort Tilapia was understood in a broad sense, then today allocate two sorts which types for convenience it is accepted to call "tilapias".

Тилапия свежая

Researchers consider that the homeland of fish are open spaces of Asia Minor from where the tilapia extended to big territories of Asia and even Africa.

Body of individuals of this sort high, rather short and slightly compressed on each side. Fish has a monophonic silver-gray color though green coloring is inherent to some types. On the big head large eyes are located, and the body is equipped long proctal and back with fins.

Most likely the name "tilapia" to conformably African tribe living on Lake Malawi. However earlier fish had a set of other names: she was both "Saint Peter's fish", and "river chicken", Arabs called her "мушт", and Israelis called "амнун".

The tilapia has fighting character: in case of threat it carefully preserves the territory against uninvited guests. Thanks to strong system of the alarm notification of an individual of this sort are capable to form strong couples. It is curious also that the female incubates the whitebaits in an oral cavity.

In spite of the fact that within the sort Tilapia types differ among themselves on a way of food: some prefer vegetable food, others eat ground deposits, and the third regale on plankton at all, – in general fish is omnivorous. By the way, therefore researchers consider a tilapia harmful, however about it below.

Though at fish rather limited area of dwelling, she with great success is bred in fisheries not only Africa and Asia, but also in Latin America, the USA and other non-European countries.

Fish enjoys popularity not only at professional culinary specialists, but also among ordinary fans of sea food. The matter is that gentle meat and rich taste of fish, and also a set of simple ways of preparation of a tilapia allow to make of it a cookery masterpiece in a few minutes.

Useful properties and tilapia caloric content

As well as any other fish, a tilapia is rich with protein. However the protein which is contained in it is balanced on amino-acid structure that allows a small fish to be digested and acquired well.

Caloric content of a tilapia is low and makes 96 Kcal on 100 g which consist of protein in number of nearly 21 g and fats – 1,7 g. There are no carbohydrates in fish. It is remarkable also that cholesterol the tilapia contains about 50 mg, and the content of saturated fatty acids reaches 0,77 g – it is worth paying attention to these figures that who adheres to a special diet.

Mineral composition of a tilapia is as follows: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium.

Harm of a tilapia for an organism

Concerning advantage or harm of this tropical fish researchers considerably disagree. So, the American scientists, calling a tilapia harmful, note the fact that contents useful an omega-3 of fatty acids in it is minimum while an omega-6 the fatty acids potentially dangerous to an organism contain much. First of all such ratio of fatty acids is not recommended to persons with pathologies of heart, having asthma, arthritises and an allergy.

The second reason for which call a tilapia harmful – her untidiness. As it was already mentioned above, fish is omnivorous, and it means that she eats not only fleas and a plant, but does not disdain drop, and also the decayed remains of other fishes, etc. It is quite probable that the tilapia is content also with household waste which can get to the rivers where she lives.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to check this fact. Specialists, confident that the tilapia is harmful advise or to exclude fish from a diet (especially that to whom it is definitely not recommended), or to reduce her use to a minimum and to subject to careful heat treatment.

Preparation of a tilapia

Certainly, each hostess has the, favourite way of preparation of fish. Depending on its initial characteristics the suitable recipe is selected. Fat fish it is better to bake or steam, dry – to cook or fry. The tilapia in this sense is universal: gentle meat at small fat content and caloric content of a tilapia allow to prepare her without fear to spoil flavoring features.

Тилапия жареная

One of the most popular recipes of preparation of a tilapia is, probably, its frying. That fish turned out more juicy and kept tenderness, it is better to fry it in batter. For this purpose will be required:

  • about 8 pieces of fillet of a tilapia;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The washed-out fillet of a tilapia needs to be cut on pieces then it is necessary to start preparation of batter. For this purpose in a bowl it is necessary to break eggs, and to add a salt pinch to them. In other plate it is necessary to fill flour and spices. After that each piece of fish should be rolled in at first in flour, and then in egg. Pieces of fish in crude batter go to a frying pan where there is already warmed up vegetable oil. From each party of fillet of a tilapia it is necessary to fry on 7-8 minutes, before finding of a characteristic shade. It is better to give in a warm look.

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