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What it is necessary to know about trichomoniasis?

Трихомониаз - заболевание, передающееся половым путемTrichomoniasis is one of the most widespread diseases, sexually transmitted. Earlier was considered that this disease does not cause complications and easily recovers by means of two-three of tablets, however in recent years doctors even more often say that trichomoniasis at men and women is the most important problem of health care. Results of numerous researches which proved that trichomoniasis causes inflammatory diseases of a small pelvis, infertility, post-mecotic complications, and also leads to pathologies of newborns are given as the main proof of this point of view. Here the extrauterine pregnancy which signs not always can be found at once belongs.

What is trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis affects bodies of urinogenital system of the person and is caused by the specific activator – a vulval trichomonad. It concerns group of protozoan infections and is characterized by ability is long to remain in urinogenital bodies even under unfavorable conditions and effect of various drugs. In most cases at diagnosis trichomoniasis symptoms demonstrate development of severe forms of a disease. It is explained by the following reasons:

  • irrational treatment;
  • late address to the doctor;
  • untimely statement of the correct diagnosis;
  • thirst for self-treatment and national recipes.

How trichomonads get into an organism and what trichomoniasis at women and men is dangerous by?

Trichomoniasis is transmitted preferential sexually. Pre-natal transfer when the fruit (generally girls) is infected with trichomoniasis in patrimonial ways of mother is possible. It is possible "to catch" an infection and at non-compliance with elementary rules of hygiene, but similar cases meet extremely seldom that, however, does not belittle importance of washing of hands in any way after visit of a toilet and need to have separate towels for each family member.

We already mentioned above that until recently both doctors, and patients were skeptical about trichomoniasis extremely. It was expressed at least that at the diagnosis trichomoniasis treatment was carried out practically "on a knee". Patients with trichomoniasis took couple of a pill and quietly continued to go about the own business, without suspecting that in their organism the infection which is quickly leading to anatomic and functional changes from urinogenital system develops. To be fair it should be noted that many people do not suspect at all about the illness as very often trichomoniasis at women and men proceeds asymptomatically.

At trichomoniasis at men of the greatest danger the prostate is exposed. Trichomonads cause prostatitis, lead to formation of zones of an active inflammation, provoke development of cysts and stones. Reaches that trichomoniasis which symptoms are quite often ignored by the infected person progresses to a prostate sclerosis. This complication does not allow people to carry out quietly the act of an urination, not to mention the occupations sex causing madly severe pains. Except prostatitis, men can be influenced by all "charm" of other serious effects, including disturbances in work of seed bubbles, exclaves and bodies of a scrotum.

However, trichomoniasis causes much more dramatic changes in women. It is enough to tell that at the started forms of the bearer of a "harmless" infection can appear easily on a surgical table where for rescue of their life doctors should remove internal generative organs. It often happens at development of purulent inflammations in bodies of a small pelvis. There are many factors which can activate the latent trichomoniasis: symptoms at women are shown after abortions, childbirth, introduction of intrauterine contraceptive means, the diseases reducing overall performance of immune system.

The long course of trichomoniasis leads to infertility both at men, and at women.

Trichomoniasis symptoms

Symptoms of trichomoniasis appear in 1 - 5 weeks. At women trichomoniasis proves:

  • allocations from a vagina (sometimes they unpleasantly smell or have characteristic yellow color);
  • reddening of external genitals and severe itch in the field of defeat;
  • urodynias;
  • severe pains at sexual intercourse.

Trichomoniasis at men proceeds almost asymptomatically. The following symptoms of a disease are sometimes shown:

  • allocations from an urethra;
  • pains at the act of an urination;
  • prostatitis symptoms

Diagnosis of a disease

The research of the general smear is considered the main diagnostic method of trichomoniasis. At women allocations from a vagina are checked, men have a secret of a prostate and allocation from an urethra. As at the diagnosis trichomoniasis symptoms often are absent, for confirmation of the diagnosis more exact laboratory methods – crops, PTsR, mutual fund are used.

Treatment of trichomoniasis at women and men

Таблетки для лечения трихомониаза

The basic course of treatment of trichomoniasis at men and women assumes metronidazole reception (2 times a day within 7 days). This drug has a set of other commercial names: Klionum, медазол, никомед, акваметро, metronidazol-Teva, Trichopolum, Trichazolum. Sometimes for more bystry recovery and the warning of possible complications to patients additional procedures are appointed: massage of a prostate, immunotherapy, physical therapy, instillation of an urethra.

Once again we will notice that at diagnosis trichomoniasis treatment has to be carried out only after consultation with the specialist. Self-medicating, you considerably increases risk of development of complications which threaten implementation of normal human wants and can lead to full infertility.

Prevention of trichomoniasis

Prevention of trichomoniasis comes down to observance of the rules warning infection with venereal diseases. Main recommendations:

  • to use condoms;
  • to show consideration for the choice of partners;
  • to avoid accidental sexual bonds;
  • not to use the general towels, basts and other hygienic accessories.

Consider also that trichomoniasis is easily transmitted to time of sexual intercourse therefore in the presence of suspicions on emergence of an infection both partners need to be inspected at once.

Whether you know that:

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