Main > Diseases> Uveitis


General characteristic of a disease

Симптомы увеита глаз

The uveitis is an inflammatory process in the field of an eye choroid. Depending on localization of an inflammation distinguish several types of a uveitis.

The front uveitis develops at an inflammation of a ciliary body and an iris of an eye. It is disease type differently call an iridocyclitis.

The peripheral uveitis strikes not only tsiliarny (it ciliary), but also an eye vitreous, and also a retina and хориоидею – back department of a choroid of an eye.

At horiodita or chorioretinites, kinds of a back uveitis of eyes, the retina and an optic nerve suffer хориоидея.

The uveitis can be acute and chronic. The disease passes into a chronic stage if uveitis symptoms at the patient proceed 6 and more weeks.

Without timely treatment the uveitis can lead to a crystalline lens increment to a pupil, to a cataract, secondary glaucoma, hypostasis or peeling of a retina, an eye opacity of the vitreous body.

Reasons of a uveitis of eyes

The reasons of a uveitis of a recurrent form often have allergic character. And at an inflammation of front department of a choroid allergen of a streptococcal etiology appears the uveitis reason most often. And inflammatory processes in the field of back department of a cover usually cause toksoplazmina.

Eye infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis mycobacterium is the reason of a uveitis of a tubercular etiology. Also uveites of the syphilitic, Cytomegaloviral, gerpevtichesky nature are possible.

At children as the uveitis reason any injuries of a choroid of an eye quite often act. Among the possible reasons of a uveitis call also system inflammatory processes in an organism at a pseudorheumatism, Bekhterev's disease, a sarcoidosis, a syndrome of Reuters, etc.

Symptoms of a uveitis of eyes

Symptoms of a uveitis differ depending on a type of a disease. As typical symptoms of a uveitis of front type are considered:

  • photophobia,
  • reddening and morbidity of eyes,
  • considerable decrease in visual acuity,
  • chronic dacryagogue,
  • narrowing of a pupil,
  • increase in intraocular pressure.

Among characteristic symptoms of a uveitis of peripheral type call:

  • symmetric damage of both eyes,
  • emergence of spots (front sights) before eyes,
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Symptoms of a uveitis of back type are shown late enough. Pain or reddening are not characteristic of this kind of an inflammation of a choroid of an eye. Most often the back uveitis is shown by gradual decrease in sight, distortion of objects and formation of a veil before eyes.

Diagnosis of a uveitis of eyes

In diagnosis of a uveitis an important role is played by the anamnesis of the patient and data on its immunological status. By means of ophthalmologic survey localization of an inflammation in an eye choroid is specified.

The etiology of a uveitis of eyes is specified by method of skin tests on bacteritic allergens (a streptococcus, staphylococcus or токсоплазмин). In diagnosis of a disease of a tubercular etiology of a decisive symptom of a uveitis there is the combined defeat of a conjunctiva of eyes and emergence on skin of the patient of specific spots – flikten.

System inflammatory processes in an organism, and also existence of infections at diagnosis of a uveitis of eyes is confirmed by means of analyses of blood serum of the patient.

Treatment of a uveitis of eyes

Глазные капли для лечения увеитаThe scheme of treatment of a uveitis depends on an etiology and a type of a disease. However at any form of an inflammation the symptomatic treatment of a uveitis assumes prevention of destruction of structure of a vitreous of an eye and a crystalline lens. For this purpose to the patient solutions of Atropine, Scopolaminum, Adrenaline, etc. are appointed.

In drug treatment of a uveitis of a streptococcal etiology antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity, corticosteroids and vitamin therapy are applied. Fading of inflammatory process happens approximately for 3-5 day of treatment of a uveitis of eyes.

At a uveitis of eyes against the background of a toxoplasmosis therapy is carried out by Sulfadimezinum and Chloridinum. Treatment of a uveitis of this form continues not less than 2 weeks with constant control of a condition of kidneys and the patient's blood.

The uveitis of a tubercular etiology is stopped by means of antitubercular chemotherapy. In especially hard cases at considerable destructions of a vitreous of an eye performing surgical treatment of a uveitis sometimes is required.

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