Main > Diagnostic methods> Ultrasonography of mammary glands

Ultrasonography of mammary glands

УЗИ молочных железUltrasonography of mammary glands – a painless, safe and informative way of diagnosis of a breast with drug ultrasonography use.

Ultrasonography of a breast becomes for the purpose of diagnosis of various volume educations found at a palpation. It is considered that ultrasonography successfully supplements mammography. By means of an aim puncture biopsy under ultrasonic control it is possible to achieve more exact assessment of pathology.

When it is necessary to make ultrasonography of mammary glands

  • At pregnancy and in the period of a lactation;
  • At complaints to diseases of a mammary gland;
  • For the purpose of routine inspection of mammary glands, an onkoosmotr (for women 30 years – once a year, for women after 30 years – 2 times a year are younger);
  • At inflammatory process in dynamics;
  • For specification of the diagnosis at identification of new growths of mammary glands at a palpation or at x-ray mammography;
  • At a nodal mastopathy with atypical manifestations;
  • At axillary lymph nodes, for the purpose of clarification of the nature of their increase;
  • For diagnosis of cysts of various size;
  • For assessment of a condition of silicone prostheses of mammary glands;
  • At a simultaneous sklerozirovaniye of several cysts.

Advantages and shortcomings

  • To make ultrasonography of mammary glands, no injections and needles therefore the procedure absolutely painless will be required;
  • Drugs ultrasonography are readily available, is practically in each hospital, and the research does not take a lot of time cheaper than other ways of diagnosis;
  • Interpretation of ultrasonography of mammary glands can be used for demonstration in real time that is convenient when holding additional procedures, in particular, to a biopsy;
  • Ultrasonography is used for detection of pathologies which are difficult for receiving when carrying out only one mammography;
  • It is possible to define by ultrasonography not only sick zones, but also healthy.

When performing ultrasonography of mammary glands interpretation of result sometimes is a problem. Interpretation of ultrasonography of mammary glands can demand carrying out a number of additional researches in the form of a biopsy or ultrasound. The majority of suspicious zones as a result of additional researches are healthy;

Preparation for ultrasonography of mammary glands

To carry out ultrasonography of mammary glands, preparation is not necessary. Specialists recommend to conduct a research from the 5th to the 14th day of a menstrual cycle.

Technology of carrying out research

The patient ask to undress above a belt. Most often the research is conducted in a dorsal decubitus. The doctor will apply on the woman's breast special gel on a water basis then will put the transmitter closely to a body, smoothly moving it on a target zone before obtaining necessary results. In most cases pressure of the transmitter does not cause any discomfort.

Проведение УЗИ молочных железFirst of all the healthy breast looks round, and then conduct gland researches with probable pathology. The research includes obligatory scanning of four zones of lymph nodes: supraclavicular, subclavial, axillary and rebreast zones. All procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

Contraindications to a research

Ultrasonography – the harmless noninvasive procedure therefore there are no contraindications to its carrying out.

Special instructions

  • Ultrasonography can be used for diagnosis of mammary glands, but it is not the basis for refusal of visit of the mammologist;
  • The set of cancer tumors cannot be seen, having made ultrasonography of mammary glands. For this purpose the biopsy needs carrying out a number of additional researches, in particular;
  • After carrying out a biopsy the majority of focal zones are healthy;
  • By preparation for ultrasonography of mammary glands it is important to choose hospital which specialization is ultrasonography of a breast as there more narrow-purpose specialists work;
  • Interpretation of ultrasonography of mammary glands depends on whether the doctor who is carrying out the procedure, pathology during primary check will notice. And experience and the high-quality equipment is for this purpose important.
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